Chapter 22

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POV: Oliver

When I get to Felicity's house I see Diggles car, so I decide to walk right in. I walk in carrying take-out from a Chinese restaurant. I Can hear faint voices from the backyard, where they are sitting. I start to serve the food out onto plates when my phone rings. I take my phone out to see that Captain Lance is calling me, thinking that I'm the arrow.

"Hello, dete- Captain Lance" I say, I walk out of the kitchen and walk into the hallway and look at pictures hanging up.

"Yea, Hi Robin Hood, How's your friend Felicity?" He says

"She's been better, but she's also been worse" I say, while looking at a picture of Felicity, Thea, Roy, Diggle and Me at a party

"Ok, we'll make sure she's ok, she's my daughter's boyfriend's employee and Friend and a wonderful citizen" he says and I smile.


"So, look Do you have anything on who might have done this yet?"

"Not yet, but I have reason to believe that it is Connected to the car accident Macy Jones, was in a while back."

"Ok, I'll look in to it, Hey have you heard anything from Sara I haven't seen her or heard from her for a while"

"No I haven't"

"Ok well if you do let me know" he says then hangs up.

I brush my finger across a picture that's not like the others, all the other pictures are from the last 2 years except this one. In this one Felicity has dark makeup and clothing, her hair is not the usual golden color but black with, purple highlights, she sits in a park bench with a computer on her lap, sitting on a guy her age who is kissing her cheek. I can't help but wonder why Felicity has never told me about him, she said the only guy interested in her in college was a lacrosse player that stalked her, so unless she got very close to her stalker this is someone else she has not mentioned, I want to ask her about, but I'm not one to ask about people's hidden past considering my 5 years on a island that I don't share everything about, maybe some day I will be able to share everything to someone, and maybe they will share everything about them to me.

I look at Felicity's dark hair, I remember she told me she dyed it, and I was supposed to keep her secret about it, like she keeps mine about being the arrow (even though they are in no way equal). As silly as it is I always imagined Felicity having children in a few years, and them having golden locks like her, but I guess they will have black hair, of course unless her husband had blonde hair.

Once I finish looking at the pictures I return to the kitchen and dish out the food, I then set it on trays and take it out to where Felicity and Diggle are sitting on the patio in Felicity's backyard.

They yard is smaller but has a large oak with a tire swing on it, which I presume is from the previous owners and in the back is a small garden with beautiful, vibrant flowers growing.

I set the tray down on the table and look up at Felicity and Diggle who have now stopped talking and are looking at me.

"Hey, I brought dinner" I say

"Thanks" Felicity says and Diggle starts to get up.

"Sit down, Dig I got some for you too" I say

"I got to get going, I need to get home to Lyla and Besides if I remember correctly you guys have some making up to do" he says

"Oh, how is Lyla, by the way" Felicity asks, because Lyla in 4 months pregnant.

"Oh, you know Lyla-like" Diggle says

"Ok, well at least take some food home" I say

"Ok, if you guys need anything, call Roy but if he can't help them call me"

"Ok" Felicity says hugging him, and he whispers something into her ear and smile, Then Diggle shakes my hand.

After Diggle leaves me and Felicity eat quietly for a few minutes, I'm trying to to decide how I want to go about this and talk to her about earlier today. I look up at her as she continues to eat, her hair is in the usual ponytail and she has in her glasses but, her face is free of make-up, but, she is still stunning and beautiful as an angel.

"Fel-ic-ity" I say braking the silence and she looks up, greeting be with her beautiful big blue eyes. "I just want to say that I'm sorry about earlier, and-"

"Oliver, you have nothing to be sorry about for earlier, I owe you an apology." she says interrupting me, "Oliver, I'm sorry I talked to you that way, it was very unkind of me and I should not guilt trip you for not having feeling for me." She says

"Felicity, but that's just the thing, I do have feelings for you, but I'm just not sure what type of feelings. When I'm with you I don't feel the way I feel with Thea or Macy, and when I'm with you I don't feel the way I have ever felt with Helena, Sara, Laurel, or Shado. When I'm with you I feel completely different then I feel with anyone else, I want to protect you, spend time with you, and be with you. You make me feel, good about myself, but still don't idolize me and make me feel perfect, you make me feel ok with my imperfections. You Make me Feel complete. And after a lot of thinking and talking to a bookworm I've learned that what I feel for you, for the first time in my life, it actually true love and true love does not come easily and you have to work for it but it's worth it in the end" I say, and Felicity looks like she is a the break of tears. "Usually unless the character die at the end of the book." I add and Felicity laughs, with a smile.

After a moment of silence I begin to start talking again "Felicity, the only thing is, is that if I were to be with you I would have to give up the arrow. Which is a sticky situation because I can't do both at the same time but I don't want to date you not knowing the city that you live in is safe. But I don't want to be the arrow knowing that I can't be with the girl I love. That's why I want you to choose" Once I finish I look up to see a confused look on Felicity's face

Then she starts to talk "I-"

Cliffhanger! I hope you guys like this chapter, I'll try to update again this week. Don't forget to comment and vote!

P.S. If any of you have ANY stories you want me to read comment the name or names and I'll check them out!

P.P.S please check out my new avengers/Loki/Shield/ Hela fan-fiction it would mean so much to me!

(Okay sorry I'm done now😋)

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