Chapter 14

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POV: Felicity

I slowly open my eyes, everything is a little cloudy and my body aches. I blink a few times and everything becomes clearer. I look at the ground and see two black converse laying on the ground, Macy, I look up to see her small figure curled up in the chair in a grey dress, a braid of black hair traveling down her back. Her head is rested against the chair of the arm of the chair and she is sleeping she has earbuds in and her arms tucked under her body so they aren't visible.

I look to the side of me where Oliver sits, his chair pulled up as close as possible to my bed. His hands wrapped around my left one, making it warm and comfortable. He's looking out the window to the side of my bed.

I start to sit up and he darts his head to look at me, his green eyes looking at me.

"Fel-ic-ity" he says in a relieved tone, "I'm so glad you are up, I was so worried"

I smile and look at him "what time is it? You should be on your date with Laurel and Macy should be home"

"It's 11:30, I was on my date with Laurel but, then Macy called about what happened and I left. Macy didn't want to leave when Maria left"

"Why did you leave you date Oliver? You only have so many more chances with Laurel"

"Felicity, I didn't know what was going in with you, I didn't know how bad of a condition you were in. I had to leave I could not just leave my friend alone in the hospital" he says,

All I can think about it how he used the word friend. I think we are more then friends, I want to be more then friends. Oliver does not though, he sometimes acts like he does even Macy agrees, but, I should not take relationship advice from a 16 year old who bases her knowledge of relationships off of books. Besides he is Oliver Queen, that's what he does, has a girlfriend but then goes and flirts with every other girl. I pull my hand out from his and go to wipe hairs out of my face. Oliver looks at me as if I just hurt or offended him.

"So how are you feeling?" Oliver asks

"No good, like I got hit by a bus"

"It was actually a truck, but I understand, I'll go get the nurse she said to get you when you wake up to talk about you recover"

"Ok, Thank you Oliver" I say

He smiles "anything" he says as he walks out the door, what is that supposed to mean?

A few minutes later Oliver returns with a nurse. She checks my blood pressure and heat rate that takes a seat to tell me about my injuries and condition.

"First off Ms.Smoak I would just like to tell you how lucky you are to be alive. You have a concussion, strained neck, two Broken ribs and a broken leg also stitches on your forehead and other minor scratches and bruised. With your leg when it broke it broke the skin so we had to put it back in place and put a medal rod and pins to hold it. You unfortunately will have a nasty scar down your leg. As for your recovery, for full a full recovery it will be almost 2 months." She says

"TWO MONTHS" I say interrupting

"I'm afraid so"

"That's so long, though, I can barely stay still for 15 minute" I say

"I'm sure you friends and boyfriend will keep you company" she says, motioning to Oliver when she say boyfriend, Oliver just laughs.

"Oh no, Oliver, he's not my boyfrined. We are just friends, like really close friends, but not best friends or boyfriend and girlfriend. More just like he's my boss I'm his assistant and we are friends-that type of friends" I say

"Ok Ms.Smoak, anyways you should be able to go home within a few days,but, once you get home you will have to be with someone at all times, so they can watch to make sure there are not any unexpected or unusual side effects and will be at bed rest for a week. Then you can start going to you normal life, but you will be in a wheel chair for another 3 weeks or so, and will have to go to Physical therapy. You then can go on crutches and a boot for 2 weeks then just the boot. after that you should be good as new" she says

"I don't think that will work" I say

"Well why not? And if you want to recover successfully you will have to do this, you can call up family to stay with you for a while if you like" she says

"I have work and a- I mean, important stuff. I don't think I'll call family, I'm not that close with them, in fact it's just, my mother and she's my mother and I don't talk to her, only on holidays" I say

"I guess Me and the others will have to keep you entertained and you will be taking some time off from work" Oliver says

"I'll leave you two, three to talk" she says then turns to Macy who is waking up "well look who's up, I hope you are feeling better sweetie, let my know if you need anything" then turning back to me and Oliver "you guys too" she then walks out of the room.

Macy then sits up in the chair revealing bandages covering her arms. She smiles at me and opens her mouth to talk but I start befit her.

"Macy! Girly, what happened to your arms are you ok?" I ask

"I'll be fine, they are just a little banged up, how are you?"

"I'm ok" I say

Oliver walks over and sits besides Macy taking the earbuds out of her ears and turning something off on her phone. "she went after you in your car after you got hit. It was on fire and dangerous but she went after you, she is quite brave" he says

"She sure is, she deserves a big ice cream sundae when I'm out of here" I say.

"You guys do know I'm 16 not 6, right?"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Girly, you were brave, deserves a big ice cream sundae, your acting like I'm a child"

"Sorry" I say then try to change the subject "So, what I supposed to do for 2 months?"

"I don't know, it won't be that bad" Olivier says

"No, I don't think you understand, I get really bored, in college I had the chicken pox and was out of school for a week so I hacked a bunch of celebrities social media accounts and posted random and completely weird stuff, I also did some stuff for a hackivist group I was in, but we won't talk about that. I don't think you want me doing stuff like that for 2 months." I say

"Oh I remember that, that was hilarious, you need to teach me how to do that" Macy says

"I don't think I saw that" Oliver says

"I Guess you didn't have Facebook on that island, but TWO MONTHS"

"We will figure something out. Okay?" Oliver Says


"Aahhh you guys totally just had a TFIOS moment there" Macy squeals

"A what?" Oliver asks

"The Fault In Our Stars it a book" I say

"Oh yea, Thea went on and on about that after she saw the movie" Oliver says

"The books better!" Macy shouts and I can't help but smile.

So I hope you guys like this chapter, I decided to post early because I have 1.1K reads overall! Which is crazy because I thought I would have 2 readers, thanks so much guys! Don't forget to comment and vote!

So Felicity has 2 months on her hands, what do you think she will do?

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