Chapter 20

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POV: Oliver
I walk out of Felicity's house and get in my car and drive to the foundry in shock, how did a morning turn so fast, we have a good conversation in her bedroom, we were both happy and joking around and within 40 minutes she was telling me to leave her alone against the doctors orders. If pains me to see her like that, crying and upset because of me. I try to protect her from everyday dangers and threats But, the pain in her life is caused by me. All I want to do is tell her that I love her, but I can't cause I'll put her in greater danger and I can't date her and protect the city at the same time.I want to help Macy, but, allowing her to help us just puts her in more danger and exposing her to the violence, would be a bad idea. She is too sweet, to innocent, to young, to gentle, but, then again I've seen a new side of her today that questions her personality and makes me want to know the real Macy Jones. I get to verdant and go to the basement I immediately go to the dummy and start punching it taking out my anger.

"Woah, man take it easy. What did the dummy do to you" Dig says from behind me

"Not now" I say

"Ok. What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I say not turning around from the dummy.

"Ok, fine, I'm not sure what you mad about but I don't time to beat it out of you. I have to get to Felicity's she just called me and was crying and a little panicked, I've never heard her like that" he says


"Weren't you supposed to be with her?"

"I was, but, we had a disagreement" I say finally turning to face Diggle

"What happened man?"

"She just told me how she feels about me and that she's done sitting around and waiting for me to feel the same way."

"And what did you tell her?"

"That I'm sorry, I tried to say more but she told me to leave and think about it"

"Why don't you just tell her the way you feel?"

"Because I can't Dig" I say slamming my hands on the table causing the fern that Felicity brought down her to fall off the table and break.

"Well you need to do something to make it up to her and tell her the way you feel"

"I don't know how I feel though" I say slamming my hands on the table again

"Well you need to figure it out before you lose her" Diggle says then goes up the stairs and leaves.I start cleaning up Felicity's fern while thinking about what to do
POV: Macy
I walk into my house still trying to relax about what happened at Felicity's. My mom runs up to me and gives me a hug but I shrug her off, why is she suddenly being so, mother like lately. She usually is working with my dad and usually I'm home alone with the staff.

"How are you sweetie?" She asks

"I'm fine" I say

"Ok, you need to be ready at 5, I put your clothes in you closet"

"For what?" I ask

"We have our annual fundraising ball tonight"

"Do I have to go, I don't go to any other parties why this one?"

"Well you have to go to this one to represent our family, and you are going to be going to more parties, I'm done with you being alone in your room reading and going on the computer or going to the city or glades on your own"

"No thanks" I say

"This is not up for discussion"

"Well maybe it should be. Why should I make public appearances? Why can't I be independent? Why can't I focus on my education and not popularity? Why can't I just be myself and not go to parties? What's so wrong about reading? What-"

"That's enough, you are very smart Macy but you need to have fun and go to parties"

"I have fun, not going to parties"

"You are going and that's final"

"Ugh, sometimes I think that your just trying to dumb me down and go to parties so I can fit into this family and so you can more of the publics eye on our family" I yell walking up the stairs to my room.

Once I get to my room I empty put my bag and then takes painkillers. I then go to my computer and begin typing maybe if I find enough information about a criminal to catch them I can prove myself to Oliver. I hack the Foundries computers and fine the criminals they are currently targeting, I decide to choose a mob leader who is wanted for multiple extreme crimes. I hack the police department and begin putting working on the case, taking notes and making possible plans to take him down.

After a while I hear a knock on my door, I quickly gather all the papers and put them in a drawer of my table but not in time before, Maria walks in carrying Brynn.

"What's that?" She asks walking towards me
"School work"

"No it's not"

"Yes it is"

"No it's not Macy, just tell me what it is"
"I cant"

"Why not?"

"Because it's not any of your business"

"Macy what's going on with you, you have stitches in you stomach, all of a sudden you became all buddy, buddy with Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak and your workings on stuff and not telling me. I know your secretive and all but usually not this secretive to me"

"I'll tell you soon, just not yet. I'm trying to figure things out. And you should not be getting mad at me for keeping secrets the others in our family and you keep many more, some that are darker than mine, and don't ask me how I know this I'll explain in time."

"Ok, I won't. I have to go to a few stores can you keep an eye on Brynn?"


"Ok thanks her bag is downstairs" she says handing me Brynn.

I hold Brynn in my lap as I finish the work I was doing to prove myself to Oliver, I come up with every possible outcome I can think of an plan to resolve the problem. I then print out the plans and put them in an envelope and plan to drop it off later today. I then decide to get ready for the ball I put on a long sleeve lace white and purple dress that ends before my knees. I put my hair up in a bun letting some stands in the front hang down framing my face. I put in white stilettos and do smokey eye eyeshadow and purple lipstick.

Once I'm ready I walk down stairs and get Brynn's bag and bring it back up to my room. I play around with Brynn for a while until I here a knock on my door.

Hey, hope you guys like this chapter don't forget to comment and Vote. Have you guys seen the pictures from SDCC, they are killing me, I wish I was there. Did any of you go or are going?.

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