Festival Fireworks

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p.o.v. Kazuha

I was standing in front of a familiar door, waiting for my friend to be done dressing for this year's festival. I was dressed up in a simple red & black kimono that my mother had picked out for me just for these occasions, given that Scaramouche is from a wealthier family he was going to wear something more formal but that didn't bother me.

 I was dressed up in a simple red & black kimono that my mother had picked out for me just for these occasions, given that Scaramouche is from a wealthier family he was going to wear something more formal but that didn't bother me

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After around 10 minutes or so the door finally budged and the small boy with his mother came out, he was pouting probably from his mother putting on a reddish shade of eye shadow on the corner of his eyes. I think it looks good but he always said he didn't want to bother around with cleaning it up after coming home each year.

Our mothers were walking behind us talking about their husbands and what not.

Scaramouche was just looking around so I thought of doing the same but the moment I turned around to view one of the many stalls with kitsune masks he must've grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to a little barrel filled with fish and water. "Look Kazuha! There's fish in there!" The smaller one beamed.

I stumbled over to where he was pointing at and quickly adjusted to the others grip that I was quite unused to as he was usually not the type to touch anyone even by the hand, let alone hug someone.

The hours passed ever so quickly and soon the fireworks were just a few minutes away from being seen at the deep black sky.
Our mothers came looking for us to bring us towards the place we would always go to every year, next to a stall my father was helping out with, it was still crouded enough to have to stand together but quiet enough to hear each other when chatting.

I noticed that scara was fidgeting with the ends of his jacket and gave him a concerned look, a few moments after our gazes locked and it almost seemed like tears were forming in his eyes, I didn't know what to do so I quickly pulled him into a hug, figuring he was still scared of the loud noises the fireworks made.

I noticed that scara was fidgeting with the ends of his jacket and gave him a concerned look, a few moments after our gazes locked and it almost seemed like tears were forming in his eyes, I didn't know what to do so I quickly pulled him into a hu...

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Just in that moment the explosions of colors were heard loud like blasts up in the midnight sky. As soon as they finished I let go of him, as I did I could've sworn he muttered a small "thank you" and we were already greeted by snacks Scara's mother brought for us.

[Time skip same festival just 10 year's later]

p.o.v. Scaramouche

Same thing as always, some of our servants helped me dress as I put on the usual eyeliner and shadow, I really hope Kazuha will wear that kimono I bought him for this festival. It hurts me but I knew it would be my last one here in Inazuma, I kept reassuring myself that he'll be fine without me even after being inseparable childhood friends.

Just a few months ago I received a letter from Shneznaya's infamous fatui. More of an Invite of sorts, I heard they were quite strong in forces and I did feel interested in what they do, but I overheard a conversation Kazu had with his father about his believes towards their Harbingers and decided against telling him that I'd accept the invitation or even ever received it to begin with.

I knew this was going to be the last one for us so I wanted to make it something special, I checked myself in the mirror once more just to make sure I look like usual, I feel happy though that the Harbingers still gave me tonight so I could spend my last moments in Inazuma with the albino.

We trained a lot in the past years so I got him a kimono worthy of a young Samurai and I would be lying if I said I didn't spend a fortune on the whole thing. But to me, it was worth it if I get to see him smile one more time.

I heard a knock on the front door and swallowed, I was tensing up by the thought I'd have to cold heartedly leave by Tomorrow morning, I had already written a personal letter to him but I knew it wasn't enough, it would never be, he's going to either hate me till the day I die and feel betrayed by my absence or guilt himself with my dissapearing. Alright, here goes nothing.


Author note;
Heya! I would really appreciate feedback on my writing as I am much more used to reading stuff myself and stuff like that-

Also since I just started writing in case you enjoy the story and would like to be notified whenever I post updates maybe drop a follow maybe even in case I need beta readers 👀

This is Lunos, signing out until next time comrades ☺️🙌

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