
539 26 35

Cw ; angst

Kazuha p.o.v.

I rushed out of the halls of the Estate, using Anemo to quickly make my way towards the dock of Ritou, once i arrived i noticed the air escaping my lungs getting uncomfortably hot and breathing became harder with every inhale, I looked around to see if theres a fancy ship around but my breath hitched when i Noticed a bigger one that had just set off the harbor, and there was a particular person on board, with familiar clothes, a familiar hat and a familiar posture, i was too late, i tried to shout and scream out to the older but no sound came out. All i could do was sink to my knees with an aching, lonely heart.

I stared at the ground in disbelief, tears streaming down my cheeks, the people around me glancing at me in concern before continuing their way around the docks.

I just sat there, seemingly shrinking into myself more and more by the second, getting more and more confused looks from bypassers until a guard helped me up to my feet telling me to 'go home or whatever'.

I trotted home, devastated. When I arrived my Mother asked me what happened, apparently heard that I was crying down at the dock as word gets around quite quickly. I just ignored the question though, definitely not feeling like getting into any type of conversation at the moment.

I felt lost, he didn't want to go- then why did he leave? Did someone make him? No, he definitely seemed confident when I saw him on the ship earlier.

What the hell is going on?

I opened the door to my room and threw myself back into bed, not caring enough to get back up later to be productive once i definitely needed some time off to process on what happened today.

Scarlet Leaves // a Kazuscara fanficWhere stories live. Discover now