Cold hearted goodbye's can wait, right?

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'Alright, here goes nothing.'

Still Scaramouche's pov.

My hands were a bit shaky as I slid the door open to reveal the one knocking just a few moments prior. There he stood with the to him given Kimono, I sighed in awe and gazed upon him, he was truly mesmerizing no doupt. Almost admirable how good his posture was with that soft smile on his lips and the warm colors on his eyelids fit the whole thing perfectly. He looked truly beautiful.

And that's when I flushed red for the first time in my life, out of the embarrassment the fact gave me that the albino caught my gaze, a smirk curling up on his face.

"Do I look alright? Mother had to help me put it on, or is there anything else?" He asked seemingly lighting up the tension that slowly built itself up in the air.

"Yea no obviously you look just as stupid as usual, what did you even do with your hair?? Thought you were gonna pin it up or something, but I mean the Kimono at least suits your scheme a bit more than those you usually wear." I spouted out, mockingly judging his outfit.

"Well you see I didn't feel like putting my hair up since I enjoy it in my usual ponytail, and we'll if you don't like it then sorry 'mister do the fandango' I will not ever put it up." He jokingly scoffed back at me.

I cringed at the nickname he yet again addressed me with but decided against bickering about stuff like that tonight. Were just gonna have some fun, no need to fight with him about those useless things, it'd be pointless.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my head, it was a black bucket hat, I smiled at the thought that he remembered that I always wanted one of those hats but my parents disagreed saying I had enough already, I mean- they're not wrong but I just love hats alright-

"Can I put that in my bag for now? My mom's gonna see it if I don't."

"Sure go ahead, also it's Mother, you should address her formally you know?"

"Says you 'Canadian guy'"

"What even is Canada supposed to be???"


We went on like that for another minute or so before Kazuha grabbed my upper arm while we were both wheezing, God I'm gonna miss this fella.

"Scara I'm like starving can we go get some ramen before we go check out the rest?" I heard the younger whine in an almost childish tone.

"Fine, you can be glad I'm feeling generous tonight. Idiot." I muttered as I grabbed him by his upper arm and dragged him towards the noodle stall.

I do wonder how he's gonna live while I'm in Shneznaya.. Maybe I'll be lucky and get assigned to Inazuma again, they probably will right? It wouldn't make sense if I don't.

Kazuha quickly brought me back to reality though, holding up a bag with 2 noodle servings. "Scaramouche do you have a few more?"

Right we were gonna get food-

"Sure here you go." I pulled out my wallet and handed it to the albino. "Alright wanna go sit somewhere?" I nodded and followed him to a bunch of benches where we sat down at, opening the servings and getting comfortable on the rough wood. It was really cozy this year, probably because a lot of people have already moved away to find themselves I suppose, why else would you want to leave everything behind? Start anew? Well whatever, not like I'm any better than them.

Kazuha must've noticed I kept spacing out because he gave my shoulder a small nudge and looked at me with a worried expression.
"Are you okay Scaramouche? Do you need something to drink?"
"Yea no I'm good, really! There's just a lot on my mind, that's all." I really wanted to tell him, but I just can't. I'm so sorry Kazuha.

Scarlet Leaves // a Kazuscara fanficWhere stories live. Discover now