Forgotten Colors on the night sky

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We were just sitting there laughing, I completely forgot the Hanabi part of the festival, when I'm with Kazuha, everything else around me seems to go in a blur and I hardly heard the countdown some of the kids did since the last couple years.

I shrugged together the moment the loud explosions were heard, it felt like everything around us was collapsing and my head was shrilling of the fireworks, I must've blacked out from the shock because the moment I woke up I was being carried by someone on their back. But before I could identify them I was already asleep again, although I could have told that it was the Albino.

Kazuha p.o.v.

I was really worried the moment he collapsed because I too completely forgot how early in the evening the fireworks were, we took a break from the festival last year so we must've thought they were much later, my first and only thought in that moment was though to get him out of there, it was a very busy street so I carried him on my back up one of the many mountains, up to a shrine, there we finally had some quiet so I laid him down and rested his head on my lap, hoping he would be comfortable. It was around 10:30pm when his glistening eyes slowly but steadily opened again, I was caressing his head slightly as to not disturb him too much, occasional playing with strands of his hair, he seemed in a daze and after a few minutes of us just looking into each other's eyes, his started to get teary Wich made me worried again, did I say something? Does he not like being handled like this?

"Is there something bothering you, Scara?"

He shrugged together, seemingly not expecting any questions regarding his well-being.

"I think so yes, it was quite nice going to the festival again with you, although I caused you trouble like every time until now" he slightly stuttered.

"Yea I agree, but don't worry I like helping you when you're not feeling well, so please tell me if there's anything you need."

"I'll think about it, thanks Kazuha."

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