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Kazuhas p.o.v.

It was early morning when I awoke again, and I hadn't had an idea of what to do now,
hell my best friend was gone, Normally I would have just went after him but the Decrees regarding leaving Inazuma have been harshened.

And getting a permit wasn't that easy either. So I planned on going on another road trip through Inazuma, which I already did two years ago with our training instructor. I was alone then so it won't hurt to do it alone this time as well.

I put on my usual Traveling outfit and clipped on the Maple leaves to my belt.

I felt satisfied with how I looked, and although the Maple leaves hanging from my waist were a gift from Scara, my mind told me to stay calm and enjoy the trip. I knew he was going to return to me, I knew we would meet again somewhere, maybe even on my travels. I packed a few things like a small tent into a backpack that my mother made me for my birthday last fall.

I wasn't the best at dealing with partings so I usually just tried to forget it ever happened and replace the thought with them always coming back in the end, I didn't want others to start worrying for me so it was in my opinion the best course of action.

I went to the kitchen to greet my mother, although I was almost 18 I didn't want to worry her about leaving suddenly, although when I approached her the concern from yesterday was still in her eyes.

"Good morning Kazu, did you sleep alright?"

I nodded

"By the looks of it you wanna go back out there and drown your worries?"

And I Nodded again, she knew me well enough to trust that I wouldn't go off doing anything stupid.

I want to find him, or at least be able to see him again from afar, I don't care how long it's gonna take me. I'll get to see him again, my heart won't tell me anything else.

She went up to me and held me in a tight embrace and said "at least stay in town for a few days, ask around. You shouldn't travel on your own alright?"

"I'll think about it, thanks mother."

I bid her farewell and grabbed a bundle of food supplies, stuffed them into my backpack and made my way outside.

The fall breeze fell onto my face, leading maple leaves onto my head, I tried to smile but tears already started forming at the thought of all the fall's I've spend with Scaramouche.

A guy ran past me, and as stupid as I felt that moment I stumbled over and landed on the ground.

The boy must've noticed because he hastily turned around and held his hand out for me to hold onto. "Hey, are you okay? I'm really sorry about that-"

He looked unfamiliar, so much that it confused me already,

"Eh it's alright, I've been worse."

The man introduced himself as Tomo, just when he was done talking a small white kitten peeked it's head out of his enormous jacket. Meowing in complaint, assuming she was hungry I pulled out a small fish I usually just snack when I'm outside, she happily bit into it and it relieved me, because now I smiled truthfully, I love animals, and honestly we don't deserve them.

He proposed that he was indeed from a different city and on travels just like me, but since we've only just met, the decision was made that we'd get to know each other before we went ahead on our journey.


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your favorite Author-sama is here again, since idk what imma do with Kazuha and Tomo imma just write Scara's pov starting next chapter-

Sorry Kazutomo shippers but I'm not having that whole dead people thing-

Pray for the cat tho.

Scarlet Leaves // a Kazuscara fanficWhere stories live. Discover now