Where emotions stirr

270 11 4

Cw ; heavy angst I'd say, and the bf's fighting,, sorry guys :[

But dw it'll turn out fine 🍁☂️

P.o.v. Beidou

We have been staying on the crux since Kunikuzuchi seemingly fainted from over exhaustion the moment we set foot on the deck. I had a few discussions here and there with Ningguang who was quite displeased with our current situation.

And now for the second time this week Kazuha didn't show up for the crew's dinner. He had almost locked himself inside the spare room with his friend who hasn't shown any signs of waking up but looking a lot better already.

Using a god's tool for a heart must really have put a strain on his body, huh.

Ningguang sighed as she looked back down to her plate of food, probably just giving up on trying to get me out of the deep thought.

"Look, I'm worried about him too, but you should really eat, you haven't even had breakfast this morning, love."

She said as we finally locked eyes again.

The rest of the crew were too busy chatting away with each other to notice their conversation.

P.o.v. Kazuha

He was just laying there, clothed in one of my spare liyuen made attires that ningguang had made for me pre-journey to snezhnaya.

It looked ethereal on him.

although if you had taken a look at me, at least in my current state.

you would've thought, how come he's even worthy of peeking at the god's beauty.

my hair was a mess, my eyes red from tearing up the night before which lasted till early noon

I was just glad to have him back, save. here, with me.

of course Zuchi told me about the risks of using the gnosis so I knew he'd wake up within a day or two if it ever came to this state. Gladly I was there just in time or else it might take him a lot longer to regenerate his body's health.

My shaky hands found his pale fingers, gently intertwining them.

my slightly chapped lips forming a smile when the unconscious hand squeezes mine in silent Conviction.
Slowly but steadily Lilac eyes open, still slightly shimmering in purple accents since I have yet to remove the chess piece from his chest.

"Good morning, Kazu."

The others' hoarse voice spoke as softly as it could.

"Heh, it's past dinner time already. But yes, good morning, Zuchi-kun."

Our intertwined fingers let go of each other and I pulled him into a warm and comforting hug, just glad that he was finally conscious again.

When we let go of one another and just locked eyes for a few moments is when I broke the comfortable silence.

"We still need to get the Gnosis out of you, it's not safe if you just insert it without letting your body get used to its immense energy."

The other frowned, probably not wanting this conversation to continue like this.

"Seriously, this is all you care about? We finally have each other's company again and you go straight back to pretending you're my mother or something. I don't need to be reminded that this 'thing' is no heart. I get it ok. But then why is it beating for you? Huh? Might explain that one!"

Lilac eyes met with crimson ones as he poured his heart out with slight annoyance tinting his words.

A huff of devastation leaves my lips.

"Your gonna struggle if I remove it?"


"It's always a 'Maybe' with you! Just tell me something, anything without using the word 'Maybe'!"

I snapped back, tired of being left in the dark.

"You left without saying a word, then you show up again and refuse to tell me anything, what the actual hell is going on?!"

Kunikuzuchi looked at me in shock, seemingly unaware of how hurt I was.

"Kazuha..I, I'm sorry. Truly."

At this point I just wanted to know what was going on in the others head. I wanted to understand what he was thinking.

"I just thought it would be the easiest way to get to Ei's Gnosis.."

"By joining the Fatui?"


I hugged him again, tighter than the last.

"Archons you should've at least told me- anything!"

"Yeah, I know."

Scarlet Leaves // a Kazuscara fanficWhere stories live. Discover now