My Scarlet Leaf

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Domestic fluff cuz I can.

uh enjoy?

Pov Kazuha

As they re-entered Kazuha's quarters, giggling.

I almost threw Zuchi onto my bed, joining him instantly and resting my head in the crook of his neck, the long hair tickling my nose.

My body shuddered slightly at the feeling of hands snaking around my back, holding me tight.

My ears picking up a low chuckle from above as I lifted my head to gaze down on the divine features of the owner of my heart.

"Archons, please never leave again. I don't think I'd be able to bear with another parting. I love you, Kunikuzuchi."

A hand swayed up from my back to my right cheek as I leaned into the touch.

"I promise you, I won't leave you another time."

The older started, however he didn't seem to be done so I continued to listen.

"All the time I thought of you, hell I even dreamt about you, the feeling of guilt was almost unbearable to me. I missed you so much Kazuha."

At this point we both had tears in our eyes.

I however couldn't hold them back anymore.

So I hugged him tightly, refusing to let another inch between our bodies.

"All this time, I worked so hard to get back to you, I didn't think I'd ever see you again! My heart's at ease now but I'm still in denial that all of this- us, is really happening.."

I sniffled into the crook of his neck.

he was planting soft kisses onto the top of my head whilst caressing m white hair.

"Alright, I'll take a break from the Gnosis."

is all I heard him say before he already leaned back up so I was sitting on his lap.

Pov Kunikuzuchi

I slowly undid the clothes which were covering my chest, Kazuha stared a bit, his gaze indicating that he was entirely mesmerized by the sight of a purple glow emitting from a rift right at the center slightly above my pecs.

I did wince a bit however as he let his hand ghost over the opening, so it did respond to him. Interesting.

"h-How do we remove it?"

the albino asked with a slight shiver in his voice, he was probably afraid of putting harm to the rift.

"it's quite easy, really. Just reach into it with your hand and withdraw it from inside, don't worry it won't sting that much- although please remove your hand gear that'll make it a bit less uncomfortable as I still am sentient within that void."

Kazuha gulped audibly before grazing his underarm off the black and red fabric and setting it aside.

"go on then."

I smiled at him in reassurance.

"tell me if I should pull my hand back out if the feeling gets too uncomfortable. ok, Zuchi?"

"I will, Kazu."

Whilst his right hand was resting on my skin, his left slowly inserted itself into the galaxy-like rift, I just leaned my head back into the end of the bed, trying my best to keep my breathing up in a steady pace.

I felt Kazuhas soft fingers graze the rifts walls and before I knew it their grip tightened at the end of the gap around the pulsing object he was reaching out for.

"good job, now all you gotta do is 'carefully' pull it out again and that should do it."

I felt his hand on my chest tremble as he slowly withdrew his left hand from the rift.

"There you go, wasn't so hard now was it?"

I breathed out as the object was finally apart from my physical body.

"What do we do with it?"

"Oh that's a question with one simple answer."

I took the gnosis from the Albinos hand and opened a new rift between us and gently sat it down inside of it, closing it afterwards.

"Now it's in my plane of euthymia."

"I see."

He leaned back down to cover my chest back up.

"That rift in your chest however, it scares me you know? It always has. I have always been scared that when I run towards you to welcome you into my arms that it'll hurt."

"Oh, Don't worry. You could never hurt me."

"Mhm, maybe your right, I Love you too much, even if you're too reckless sometimes."

He leaned into the crook of my neck again and I held him close.

"I love you too, My Scarlet Leaf."


Ok so the idea with the rift isn't entirely my own, how it works was my idea but the concept of it's existence has been brought to me by god how many images I found on Twitter, I've been trying to find them again but haven't had the best of luck with that so just a heads up, the purple () on his chest isn't my idea cuz ppl have drawn that wayyyy before me I just thought it was neat and couldn't unthink it anymore- and I really wanted to write it so uh yeah- please don't sue me ty<333

It's not the last chapter I swear !!!

The end is very near tho ;[

Scarlet Leaves // a Kazuscara fanficWhere stories live. Discover now