PROLOGUE★00: How It All Started

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*Flashback (2010)*


A woman with light golden honey blonde hair, a pair of deep blue sapphire jewels as eyes, flawless cream skin, and looked beautiful by her curves and her toned body frame. Her name is Christina Helmsley, she was walking through the halls of the suite with a bright smile spread across her face till it drops once she opens the door of a hotel room to see the most heartbreaking thing in her life. Her man Alberto Del Rio making out with another woman on the couch, Christina begun angrily shouting at them while they froze to see the young woman in tears and face reddened in fury.

The woman leaves the new champion's room, not wanting to be in this heated argument and shut the door closed. Alberto stood up, trying to explain to Christina by giving her an excuse before she bitch slapped him hard in the face and told the man that their whole relationship is over. Alberto wasn't having it, so he dragged Christina by the hair and tosses her hard onto the couch, getting up to lock the hotel room shut.

'Not again!' Christina thought, thinking it's either an abusive beating, a forced spanking, a blow job, a harsh groping, or body shaming until she saw his hard-on grinding onto her core, protected by her jeans covering it away from sight.

"Papi's gonna teach you a good lesson tonight, now spread your legs out Princess." Alberto growled angrily, ordering her to open her legs and let her use her to release his anger out by force.

Their relationship was toxic and abusive due to Alberto's words to his actions, Christina thought he will change for her until this night and he must've know that she's been the faithful one this entire time cause she'll never give him her own virginity since she believes marriage comes first before sex. That led to the abuse from physical to sexual, she refuses to give him her own innocence cause she doesn't trust him, and the bruises and scars have the proof she needs to not give him that. Alberto throws the Queen of Queens onto his bed, proceeding to take off her upper layers as she screams and tries to back away from the older man.

'No,' she thought, freezing to see Alberto with his belt off and struggles to get free.

The man starts whipping her hard and giving her welts on her skin. Christina loudly cries out in pain before Alberto ties her wrists together with the leather belt onto the headboard, she tugs at it and attempts to fight him with her legs since she still has her jeans on. It all changes when Alberto unbuttoned the denim pair and slides them off with urgency.

"Help me! Please stop! No!" Christina sobbed hard in panic and horror.

Beside their hotel room was her brother Hunter Hearst Helmsley and his wife Stephanie McMahon, Triple H heard his sister's loud screams of help along with her soon to be rapist's yells of anger and got off the bed to confront the chaos with his wife right behind him. He went to open the door, but the door was locked that led to him tackling it hard and seeing the only thing he never wants his innocent baby sister happening to her. A very enraged Alberto had stripped a sobbing Christina to her own matching lace pair of black undergarments, what made him livid and hot was the wounds around his little sister's body.

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