CHAPTER★01: The Female Shield

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*NXT (2012)*


I was walking through the halls in some normal comfy clothes, not those fancy high heels and tight formal dresses that any other WWE diva were to wear around here backstage.

I was walking through the halls in some normal comfy clothes, not those fancy high heels and tight formal dresses that any other WWE diva were to wear around here backstage

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As I was walking, I saw many male rookies from NXT stare towards me with lust in their eyes and women in their heel roster gave me some dirty looks. I rolled my eyes and headed inside William Regal's office cause he called me right inside there for a chat.

I politely knocked the private office's main door, hearing a "Come In" from the man that now manages NXT and I opened the door to see him with the very special contract papers stacked up for a chosen men's faction of three superstars. I sat down and shake his hand in respect, gesturing him to talk. William smiled at my gesture, sitting down and sliding me the paper copies of my newest work.

"Christina, due to your hard work with Becky Lynch and Paige Knight alongside AJ Lee herself, the officials and I have decided to let you join those two into becoming apart of the main roster inside WWE. They also had agreed as well to join later on as their ally turned mystery member, but you'll be the Shield's valet and manager for now on. I know your brother and his wife, you're allowed to let the boys have a solo circuit and wrestling career inside WWE by your own choice. As for Vince, he agrees that you three ladies are the last brightest hopes of the Women's Division alongside Ms. Lee, y'all became the Four Horsewomen of NXT and going to WWE together at last. Christina, y'all four ladies teamed up against Kaitlyn, Emma, Sasha, and Bayley and won. You're our second NXT Women's Champion, Jonah is with his boys and they were fully honored to be managed by you. For now," he trailed off before flipping the pages and showing my men's full signatures written in ink. "We can give y'all a stable name "The Fallen Angels" by Dusty Rhodes, your official team nickname is "The Sisters Of Destruction" by the Undertaker and Kane's decision...Paige's own beloved godfather and honorary uncle, and lastly you're the showboating leader and the dynamic powerhouse of your coven. The girls agreed, because Vince wants y'all to evolve from divas to women, and you're a dominant TNA knockout during your first break from WWE. WWE needs a "Female Shield", and you with your girls can do that for us and help NXT stars here to go right into WWE. What would you say Ms. Helmsley, become Ms. Valerie Helsing?"

I thought about it for a moment until I nodded in agreement, I signed the contract and smiled at my best choice. William mentions that the Fallen Angels will debut by attacking Beth, Emma, Kaitlyn, and Natalya with AJ by our side. I shook my hand with William, hugging him before walking out of his office with a smile spread across my face before grinning when my gals came towards me with their own smiles and looked very excited.

"So Nene," my Irish firecracker trailed off excitedly. "Is it really happening?"

I said yes, causing all three of them to squeal happily and hug me tight. We pulled away to go into my locker room and plan on going to the club for a party. Once we left the arena, I notified the boys that their damn things are ready and packed up.

Before we can leave, I saw my four boys leaving out inside their mobile while my gals and I shook our heads in amusement. The boys must've saw me cause they hollered my name, causing me to turn around and let me see me. Joe lost his breath, which made me flustered and blushing madly.

"Looking good right there Babygirl," my Samoan crush complimented.

"Not bad yourself Big Dog," I commented back to him, causing him to bite his bottom lip and chuckle with amusement written on his face.

"Hey yo Nene, what are y'all hot ladies doing...not that I'm complaining cause Rya's looking like a porcelain doll there?" Jon asked me right beside Colby inside the front passenger seat, wolf whistling at Rya while she blushes and shakes her head at him.

"Going to a night club with my three favorite bitches, what about y'all home boys?" I replied with a confident look on my face.

"Can we join y'all four ladies, we got nothing to do since we're debuting a month from this damn day?" Colby asked me.

"Sure, why the fuck out Colbs? If you want, bring your other guy with you three. Y'all boys better be looking handsome as hell when we meet up," I told them, earning laughs and giggles from my peeps. "We'll be waiting."

The boys whooped proudly, I saw Joe looking up and down at me. I blew a kiss at him, knowing I'll have a romantic storyline with the Samoan sex God and he saluted me by doing the phone sign to me. We chuckled before Colby drove him and the boys to the hotel room.

"Oooh, Nene's got a boyfriend!" The girls teased me.

I flipped all three of them off jokingly, earning laughs and woos in response. We got inside our rental car and drove off into the road, going to the club. Once we were there, I parked the car and place the keys in my purse.

"Time to party!" I said, feeling pumped up.

We did the slow cat walk down the red carpet, causing men and women to freeze within amazement. The security guards let us in, both of them nodding at all four of us in confirmation as we held our passes and tickets. We stepped inside the club and sat on the bar, ordering us some drinks and some shots.

We threw four shots down our own throats before we saw the boys all dressed sexy and proud. They must've found us cause I can recognize Joe's footsteps and turned to see him. He smiled down at me, making me smile back at him and watch him held his hand out for me to stand.

I held his hand before we went on the dance floor and begun to grind on each other. I saw Jon and Colby recording with amused smirks on their faces alongside Ferg, causing them to flip them off as they laughed at us. I saw Joe put his head on my right shoulder, his hand was on my left hip, and I stuck out my tongue while both of us were enjoying ourselves.

All eight of us had so much fun, yet we managed to let AJ and Ferg to drive all six of us back into the hotel room. I kicked off my heels and landed face first into the bed, falling asleep. I heard Joe coming inside, he took good care of me and got us to bed.

"Someday, I'll say that I love you Babygirl. Believe that," I smiled while he kissed my cheek and held me chose to his body, spooning me protectively and let sleep takes us away.

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