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Merry Christmas to my lovelies, thank you all so very much for reading and voting on my books. With this pandemic getting much worse than ever, we have to stay masked up and social distance from each other. This variant can infect us, even if we got vaccinated twice without the booster and pill.

We need to stay strong for our loved ones and survive this again like last time. The Pfizer medication and vaccine were the ones that never gave me any signs of aftermath effects. That along with Moderna can help us get better and back to normal.

Support the medical workers and their hard effort of keeping us safe. COVID-19 is not over until we can contain it and killed it off. We must find something to end this virus sooner before we lose more people and ruined more education for kids, especially the ones in lower school grade levels and their futures ahead of them.

Besides that, Dante Wright has finally got his justice and his family are now relieved to hear the guilty verdicts for both charges. That officer was lying and was faking it this whole time...I can tell she didn't regret it and shot the boy down. That's when we can finally stop officers, soldiers, etc, and end what they're doing to this world.

As for the jury, thank you for realizing the truth and giving Dante's family some closure. Their fallen loved one will be safe within God's hands and will be an angel to the hearts of others. Rest in peace to the fallen people that died in the hands of police...sayonara guys.

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