CHAPTER★13: Children's Playground

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*Pensacola, Florida (Park)*


I was rubbing my swollen belly as I watched the kids play together at the playground and have fun. Joe was holding me close, feeling the kicks from our two unborn kids and keeping a close eye on the children. The boys are playing catch with a tennis ball and the girls were climbing on the monkey bars.

"Joe, it's a good idea for the kids to have much fun outside." I told him, holding his large hand into my smaller one.

"I know Baby, I just want the kids to have some fun today and be here at the park." Joe replied, smiling at his seven children who begun playing hide and seek.

We watched them play the game, but also keeping eyes out for any people who'll try and take them away. JoJo found the boys easily, but couldn't find Mia cause that little princess always run to a new hiding spot and was quick on her feet. It took JoJo a few minutes until she found Mia next to Joe, hugging his left leg and laughing.

"Daddy always finds his girls," I commented about their bond.

Joe chuckled deeply in amusement, picking up Mia with his free arm and getting JoJo with his other. The boys ran to me, careful not to bump into me due to my swollen belly and the twins. We left the park for ice cream, I want some dessert and some juice.

Joe fed me my favorite dessert and made sure that the kids were contented with their own sweet treats.'ll be too heartbreaking for us and the kids cause Joe has to leave for WWE. This will be a perfect moment for us to spend as much time together as possible, the children will be home with me and their soon to be born siblings.

"I wanna have three more kids after these two," he whispered into my left ear.

My eyes went wide with shock and a blush spread across my face. He did that on purpose, Joe knows that I love children and taking good extra care of babies. If he pops more kids into me, I'm gonna be happy and pissed at the same time.

"Wait till the right timing for that wish, I'm so sick and tired of waddling around like a goddamn penguin everywhere." I told him, earning laughter from Joe.

"But you're very adorable for that," he whined as he cracks up and held his sides.

My body turned into a sensitive pillar of gentle touches and can barely move my frame. Once these kids are born, I'm working out and getting my ass back in shape. The twins got me very exhausted and sleepy cause they won't stop kicking around inside my womb.

"I have your stuff ready, so be careful and make sure you call us 24/7." I said to him, holding Mia close to me. "Let's enjoy this last time together before you leave tomorrow afternoon and win your matches."

Having a big family changes your life, it's love and support. The children needed a mother figure that's suitable for them to learn and grow. I can teach them and raise them...cause I wanna be there for them...I don't care if people call me for making a so-called mistake, this isn't a's a blessing and a to all of the haters out there...go fuck yourselves.

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