CHAPTER★16: My Family

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*Pensacola, Florida*


Valerie was sleeping on a wooden rocking chair, snoozing as her two babies fell asleep and join her for a nap. Roman walks inside the nursery room to see his new fiancée sleeping soundly with his newborn son and daughter. His seven other children saw their soon to be stepmother as well and awed quietly.

"Daddy, can we play with our new brother and sister?" JoJo asked her father.

"Yeah Princess, let's try not to wake Mommy up and your siblings." Roman answered, picking up his two newborn twin babies and the rest of the family left without waking up Valerie.

Valerie needed the rest due to her post pregnancy aftermath after giving birth to twins and her lack of sleep whenever the babies need something. Roman told her that he'll watch over the twins and let her take a nap. She had appreciated him for letting her sleep and take a break, but her stubbornness was defeated by his reassurance.

After a few hours later, Roman notice the twins were hungry and needed their mother's breast milk to fill their stomachs up. He took each of them in his arms and slowly went upstairs, opening the door and seeing Valerie still asleep. Roman sets her two kids down and went towards her, gently kissing her face till she opens her eyes and saw her babies.

"They're hungry?" Valerie asked him, earning a nod from Roman before she clipped her bra right off and raise her tank top up. "Hand them to me."

Roman placed the twins on each breast and watched them suck on their mother's nipples, feeding off on her milk and gulping every time they got their mouthfuls. She smiled softly at her babies and kissed their foreheads. Roman gently pats her back and helped her hold their kids.

"And done, your turn Daddy." Val said, watching the twins unlatch from her breast and letting their father pick them up while getting a cloth.

Val did the same thing and got her son. They both burped them up and put them in their beds for a nap. They smiled down at her kids and held each other's hands.

"I love you Nene," he said, kissing her diamond engagement ring and hugging her.

"Love you too Joe," she replied. "I love the kids as well and our babies...I love my family."

The seven children joined them in the hug as they smiled at their two new editions of the family. With Roman and Valerie's brand new engagement, they'll be happy and proud of having a family like this. A caring father and loving stepmother who will do anything for their loved ones.

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