CHAPTER★02: The Bad Girl & Her Big Dogs

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*Survivor Series 2012*


I was walking through the halls with my new outfit I got from Shelby and Stephanie. They're like my blood sisters than my own two demonic hoes, Linda and Lori got disowned from the Helmsley/Levesque name when Paul aka Triple H found out the truth. My own two sisters tried to defame me, but Vince didn't let them and fired them by putting them in a tag match against the Bella Twins...and they lost.

Mox was officially free from Crystal's clutches, he's been with Saraya since now and they both love each other to death. Becky and Colby are with each other, and April is with Fergal. It leaves with me being Joe's lover on the screen, but the Shield's manager and valet.

Joe was with me to study his first WWE script, but we've been teasing each other and trying not to laugh at our antics. It ended up in a tickle fest, which led to Joe laying on his back and me sitting on his lap. I had always wanted to meet his three kids, I'm relieved he won full custody and got his children into his protection than his ex wife.

"We'll kiss when you head out," he told me, winking up at me with a smile spread across his face.

"How about we do that as the ending scene to everybody else's introductions?" I suggested to Joe, looking down at him all too flustered and really shy.

Joe moved his face up near mine with a raised eyebrow and a small smile, looking into my blue eyes with amusement and intensity. I stared into those sterling silver gray eyes, not noticing that both of us were steering close for a kiss and we both smiled at this. I felt like kissing Joe, but I don't wanna make his kids feel like I'm replacing their mother and taking their father away from them.

"Should we stop now?" Joe asked me, moving closer to me.

"Nah," I whispered, shaking my head no.

Both of us felt our noses touched with those tiny Eskimo kisses and we smashed lips together for a passion filled kiss. We slowly moved our lips together, Joe wrapped his arms around my waist while my arms went across his neck and pulled him down on top of my body. We passionately made out on the couch, forgetting the scripts and showed our true love for each other to the max before pulling away in utter shock.

"I got something to say," I started speaking while gulping nervously as I went reddened in shyness and then confessed my feelings to Joe. "I've been deeply in love with you since we first met, watching you do your thing at NFL and while I was a former basketball player for the WNBA. Your eyes draw themselves through my broken heart and went inside my soul within my very own I can trust you. I had also dreams at night about having plenty of children with you, hell...I wanna be a mother to your three children and give you some more. Ever since that incident with Del Rio, I stopped having emotions and was in an empty shell of depression until you fixed me Joe. Your smile brightens my days, I saw that you're a real man whenever you defended me from others when I was at my weakest state of mind, and never judge me for how much I changed my body and looks for the greater good. I lived with you as a roommate since 2011, your family saw me as their own blood and helped me train my damn ass back into professional wrestling. I don't wanna fall back into the living and breathing hell that I was put through for a few years...I just wanna be happy with a man that understands me, gets me, and will be honest and treat me better."

I begun breaking down and crying softly. Joe hugged me tight while shushing me, rocking me back and forth with his body. I heard his heartbeat and clung onto him for dear life.

Joe then rolled us over, putting his body on top of mine while we begun kissing and making out on the fucking couch. We parted away to lean our foreheads together, smiling at the sweet romantic gesture while pecking our lips and begun getting off of each other. I felt Joe brush a loose strand of hair off my face, I blushed before he kissed my nose that caused me to scrunch it up and he chuckled at me.

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