CHAPTER★03: Lost Boys & Missing Girls

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*Time Skip To The Weekend*


Joe and I have been searching for his other two children since last year. I don't care how many kids he has, I will protect them like they're mine and treat them like a real mother. While we drove to the next city, I notice two kids running into the abandoned subway station and looked similar to Joe by their appearances.

I pulled up the picture of him with his other ex Miley and his other two kids, staring at it and back at them before freezing. I tapped Joe's shoulder, causing him to stare at me in question and I pointed where his kids went. He parked the bus, telling his other three kids to stay put before we left the bus and lock it shut.

"Mia? Ronnie? Where are you?!" Joe called them out.

"Daddy?" We froze to see two kids looking dirty and bruised at the same time, wearing rags and torn clothes.

The girl looked a lot weaker than her brother, but was actually them by their voices and eyes. Joe bent down and lifted them both up into their arms, handing me his daughter Mia. I held her gently before we left the subway and went inside the tour bus.

Joe locked the door shut with one arm while I gently sat Mia down on the couch and took Ronnie from his embrace, lowering him slowly next to his sister. Joe silently thanked God before he looked at his oldest children with sadness and guilt. They stared at them with tears streaming down their faces, hugging their father and sobbing into his shoulders.

"Kids, what happened to y'all?" Joe asked them in worry.

"Mom and Galina had abused both of us whenever we mentioned you Dad, especially when it comes to football and wrestling. Galina put the boys up for adoption and gave them to a random couple. They never let us see you at all and made the world think we're dead Dad." Ronnie answered him. "We slept inside the basement with nothing but gloom and misery."

Joe was about to explode, so I took him outside before he starts snapping and cursing. I held his hand in comfort while he hugged me tight and long. After a few minutes, we pulled away from each other and pecked our lips.

"Let's go help your eldest kids back on their feet," I told him. "I promise you that I'll never be like them and hurt your five kids at all."

He smiled at me with such love and compassion. Joe took my hand and led me inside the bus with him right behind me. We sat down next to his children and I stared at them with a smile on my face.

"Your father always talked about y'all, he tried searching for all five of you with the rest of your family and couldn't be able to find you five special children. I know that all of you won't trust me, because of your mothers and their actions...I'll be fine with being just a best friend, a good nanny, a legal guardian, or a role model for y'all if you five want. Your father is a great, faithful, and loyal man...your mothers will never realize that cause of his love for all of you. I wanna be there for y'all when all of you grow up, your aunts, uncles, cousins, and so much of your family will be there for y'all and treat you like the family they are. This could be the first Christmas without any chaos and start out fresh away from the violence. There'll be food, air, love, care, snacks, drinks, rooms, toys, games, movies, books, clothes, anything you five want and love to have for yourselves. God answered your prayers cause your daddy's a superhero, Dad's gonna take good care of you five with my help and support to keep y'all safe. Okay?" I proposed to Joe's five children.

Ronnie stared at Mia before both of them looked at me, they held their arms out and I went into them as they hugged me tight. I kissed their foreheads before doing the same for the younger trio, Joe smiled at us and I gestured him to join. We hugged the children and whispered that everything's gonna be fine.

After we pulled away, I got some food from the fridge and heat it up for his two kids. I gave the younger patch theirs during our search for their older half siblings and were full. Ronnie and Mia begun eating, earning smiles from us.

"Nene, can we talk for a moment?" Joe asked me.

I followed him into our master bedroom and sat on the bed. He went next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and lay his head on top of mine. I kissed his cheek and stroke his goatee beard on his face.

"We gotta win custody of all my kids, they needed me for years and they have me with them." Joe told me.

"Joe, I want them with you too and we need to start finding a lawyer to help us end this whole ruckus." I replied. "I'm willing to protect those children and get them home to you along with your family...I promise."

Joe then passionately kissed me, brushing my hair back as we moved our lips in unison and held onto each other within a warm embrace. We pulled away, leaning our own foreheads together and smiled at each other. We saw his five kids near the door, I motioned them to join the hug and they complied.

I kissed each of their temples and held them close with Joe. We stayed on the bed, snuggling and cuddling. Joe pecked my lips and smiled at the family I brought back together for him.

We saw the kids asleep on us, we slowly took each child and put them to bed. We disrobed into our pajamas and lay under the sheets of the bed, spooning with me as a little spoon and him as the big spoon. Joe pulled me closer to his body and kissed my neck.

"Thank you LaNyce," he whispered to me. "For bringing my kids home, we need to find Travis and Malik before something bad happens to them too...then we can be a happy family."

I turned around and held his hand in comfort. Joe kissed my hand, staring at me with amazement and admiration. We said goodnight and fell asleep, knowing that his own five kids are safe and sound with us.

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