CHAPTER★11: Telling The Kids

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*Pensacola, Florida (Roman's Home)*


Roman and Valerie were both very nervous of telling his seven kids about the soon to be baby. During a house show live, Valerie have caught her two triplet sisters trying to make Roman look like a cheater and got them out of her life for attempting frame. As for Roman, he was glad that she was on watch over both Crystal and Christine.

"Mmm, I wanna fuck this ass good." Roman rumbled under his breath, causing Valerie to laugh and shake her head no.

She felt how hard he was, causing her to bite her bottom lip and hum in pleasure when he grinds her ass on his cock. Roman slid his hand, cuffing her pussy and felt her slick that meant she was getting wet for him. Valerie slowly turns, getting his hand out from her pussy and smirking at him.

"Not this time Mr. My Pull-out Game Just So Weak," she replied teasingly. "We got seven kids to worry about and have concerns for this family."

Roman groans in dissatisfaction before letting her go, kissing Valerie long enough for a soft moan and real hard for some pink swollen lips. He pulls back to see her face flustered bright red and panting like crazy. Roman will be the only man that'll put her through a trance like this, all blushed and reddened.

"C'mon Babygirl, we gotta tell our kids." Roman told her.

Valerie was lifted up and placed over his right shoulder. She held onto him and rubs her belly with hesitation of telling the kids about her unexpected surprise with Roman. Roman notices her nervous look on her face, he kissed her forehead and nuzzles his nose right onto hers as a sign of reassurance.

"Kids, can y'all come right in the living room for a minute?" Roman called out his seven children.

All seven kids walked in the living room and saw their father rubbing his girlfriend's feet. Roman then tells them to come closer and stood side by side with each other, smiling and continuing to rub Valerie's feet. The power couple was nervous, but this is their children's next sibling and so forth.

"Y'all been the best things in my life since each of you was born, but now y'all seven made me so proud of how all of you became very open for Nene." Roman said to his children.

"Thanks Daddy," his very own eldest daughter Joelle thanked him.

"There's something we need to tell y'all kids," the Samoan Superman said, turning to Valerie who's rubbing her belly and smiling at the seven kids.

"Y'all seven are gonna be older siblings!" Valerie announced happily.

The kids froze with shock, joy, disbelief, and fear. Valerie notices the fear, so she then ushers them to hug her and they complied after their fear went away to replace that emotion with happiness. Roman joins the hug, patting her stomach gently and looking down at the soon to be swollen belly that'll held his eighth child.

After that announcement, Valerie cooked the family some food and made drinks along with dessert. The kids helped her sat the finished meals on the table, getting their plates and helping their younger siblings with theirs. Roman and Valerie held their dominant hands together, intertwining their fingers and locking them as one.

This is what they wanted...their own family filled with kids and love. Something that will risk their lives for, a family with caring parents and friends. With the eighth baby arriving in the next months during 2013, this whole family will be strong and powerful all thanks to the power couple that has changed their lives for the greater good.

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is short, it's reactions that will be short or anything, such as suspenseful chapters and fluff.

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