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It's the epic battle of little brother against big brother coming on the road to the Royal Rumble. Roman brought up Becky as his worthy opponent rather than Seth, which made me very amused and got me wondering what if Becky won men's titles as well. Lita has returned and has hit Charlotte "Giant Head" Flair with a Twist of Fate in honor of Team Extreme.

I'm sorry for not being up to date with y'all readers, and my buddy LaNyce. With high school being harder each day and night, I have to do Wattpad on the weekends and free days. We got this new website for school we have to use for our classes and it sucks dick a lot.

The best part of missing the Attitude Era will be the rated r shit, the funniest moments, and the pipe bombs. MJP can go fuck himself and take that mic up his ass. Jon Moxley is back and is going head to head against Homicide for the GCW World title...I'm praying for Mox to win...he deserves that belt.

As people know, I can make many original characters without any art and only use face claims. Portrayals of celebrities and people can help you with tons of fanfictions. I'm still waiting for some updates on my favorite Naruto books and my patience goes off the fucking roof until I snack on some sweets to calm down.

I got the very last Becky Lynch action figure, and an Alexa Bliss action figure with the RAW Women's Championship belt for Xmas. These action figures from Walmart and Target are very important to me. I need them all along with the ring sets and props, so that I can build my damn matches my way.

I suggested for WWE writers who wanted to create hardcore fights and segments to use YouTube for their solution. If you can do half page YouTube while the other half is Wattpad, then you're on track and will get answers much quicker than the normal way. That's how I got my ideas and where my chapter pages came from...YouTube live gaming videos.

WWE 2K games can fix your own problems of making matches and segments. I had also been using AEW videos for the matches and segments as well to give off that bloody brilliancy it needs inside the books. That's how I did it and the reason.

Comment down below and vote for this book in tribute of LaNyce_Linde41 for her talented skills with her stories. Follow her on Wattpad and Tumblr along with me now. Sayonara guys and stay safe, we're going through the red phase...so be careful and make sure to get vaccinated.

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