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Hey guys, this is GlampireRockstar here...today was emotional and my feelings are mixed.

I'm proud of getting my awards, but devastated that this is my final year in high school and will miss my loved ones.

Choir was my biggest elective class I took since sixth grade at junior high, I'm thankful for my three teachers and all of my education.

I'm going to Brazosport College in Lake Jackson during the Fall Semester for my two-year degree in Office Management and earn my Associates degree.

Graduation is next week, meaning I gotta walk through the halls of my elementary school on Monday and get prepared for the last day of school.

I thank you followers and readers for your support.

Follow LaNyce_Linde41 for her amazing stories and add her now please, she's a kindhearted person and a confident woman.

Here's a song based off a tragic story and a tribute for the Wilson Family at Angleton High School, we sung this beautiful song in honor of a fallen choir student from AHS who became a young guardian angel flying through the bright skies of Heaven, and we sang this for the seniors leaving for the next chapter in their lives and to remember the great memories of AHS Choir.

I wish the class of 2022 the best of luck for their futures and success, and I wish y'all goodnight.

Sayonara guys from Angleton!

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