CHAPTER★04: Another Manhunt

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*Pensacola, Florida*


Cheyenne have been a great mother figure to Roman's five kids, but her boyfriend had found out his other pair of twins are missing and searched for them for a week since the WWE 2012 Survivor Series pay-per-view. She found the couple who took them and told her that their father is alive, explaining to them what happened and why he needs them back. They understood her and gave the young twin boys back and told her that they're thankful for her kindness to bring her boyfriend's family back.

Cheyenne found Roman playing a board game with his kids, she takes Travis and Malik's hands as they saw their father struggling to defeat his eldest daughter and son. Roman was told by Cheyenne to stay put and to watch his five kids cause she doesn't want him to explode with anger to the couple, so that he can finally have a bond with them. She took the boys at Walmart for some toys and got them some snacks before she got themselves some food from a fast food restaurant.

Cheyenne walked into the living room, smiling at the kids and their father in love. Travis and Malik saw Roman, knowing that he's their father and their favorite wrestler. They ran towards their father and shouted out "DAD" happily.

"Travis, Malik? Look at y'all boys, growing up so fast." Roman said, hugging his sons and lifting them both in his arms. "Your dad ain't gonna be like your mother, I'll be there for y'all like I will be there for your brothers and sisters. Okay?"

Malik and Travis nodded, JoJo redo the game before the Anoa'i siblings started playing and enjoying themselves with their snacks. Roman walked towards his girlfriend with tears in his eyes and a smile spread across his face. They hugged each other tight and long, humming and swinging by their heartbeats.

"Thank you Nene," he thanked Cheyenne. "You gave me my family back at last."

Cheyenne kissed his cheek and strokes his goatee beard, smiling at him as tears of joy came down his cheeks. She wipes his tears away and gently peck his lips. Roman pulls away and place many tender kisses on her temple.

"C'mon Joe, your kids want their daddy now." Cheyenne told him.

As soon as Roman joins their seven kids, Cheyenne sat back and watch with awe. She felt someone hugging her leg, she turns around to see JoJo and Mia with bright smiles on their cute faces.

"Come play with us Mama!" Mia said happily.

"Please Mommy?" JoJo begged in joy.

Cheyenne froze within shock before getting out of that phase to smile down at the two young girls and take their hands into hers.

They went into the living room to see Roman with the boys, doing push-ups while they sat on their father's back and laugh in joy. Cheyenne got on the floor and did some push-ups, telling the girls to sit on her back and they complied as they giggle with delight.

Roman saw Cheyenne staring at him with a grin on her face, laughing with him while they have fun with his seven kids and did some push-ups. Once they reached their limits, Christina felt the girls move from her back and she sat back crisscrossed. She gently did two pigtailed braids with JoJo's long hair, brushing her delicate fingers and combing it with tenderness.

Roman smiled at the scene of his girlfriend being a mother to his kids, giving them the love and care they needed. He sat behind Christina, pulling her onto his lap as she finished with JoJo's hair. Roman kissed her cheek and smiled when Christina kissed his own, they saw the five boys and the two girls sitting in front of them in wonder.

"Can you tell us a story Mom?" Ronnie asked Christina.

Christina gave Roman a raised eyebrow of amusement and nodded at Ronnie's question. She told the seven children a story about five princes and two princesses of a king that found a queen to be their mother and to make their father happy. Roman listened to it in amazement as Christina made his kids laugh and smile with happiness.

After she finished the story with an upcoming future, the kids fell asleep and the two adults sighed in relief. Each of them took a kid and place them into their beds, kissing their foreheads and whispering goodnight to them. The Samoan Powerhouse saw the Queen of Queens in a black nightgown and wearing a pair of reading glasses, her hair was down in small waves and locks.

She takes off her glasses after bookmarking her unfinished page in her book, setting it on the nightstand and smiling at Roman. Cheyenne moves the covers for him, letting him under there with her and they pecked lips before Roman turns off the lights.


Roman and Valerie were down on their knees, bruised and scarred by multiple weapons on a steel table. Galina stood there with a smirk and held a gun near Val's head while Roman got beaten up by Alberto Del Rio. The Queen of Queens watched Alberto held Roman back by his arms as Galina took a branding iron and roughly burned it into Roman's chest.

Galina smirked evilly at Roman's shouting of pain, but Valerie had enough and got secretly free from her restraints before beating up her lover's ex girlfriend. Val grabbed a switchblade to kill the woman down on the ground, but yells in pain when Alberto uses a baseball bat on her back and slapped her hard in the face. She spat at him, struggling to get towards Roman and held his hand.

"LaNyce," she turns to see Roman holding her close protectively.

She was turned around with force before she heard a gunshot and saw Roman froze when he got shot in his chest. Valerie screamed no while he held his chest in pain, she saw a gun and was about to get it until Alberto got it. Alberto shot Roman in the chest again and killed him in front of her.

"LEATI!!!!" Valerie screamed in horror as tears streamed down her face.

"Your turn bitch," she got shot in the heart and everything went black.

"Please wake up Nene," she heard Roman's deep voice.

"Babygirl," she tried to snap her eyes open and see the light, but couldn't move.

"Baby," she struggles under the touch and felt tears down her face.

"LANYCE!!" Valerie snapped her eyes open to see Roman with a concern look and wiping her tears away.

She begun breaking down before Roman held her close to him and shushed her, comforting her from her nightmare. Valerie sniffled and hiccuped softly as Roman rocked her till she fell asleep. He frowned sadly at her, feeling heartbroken that Valerie still has night terrors and was afraid of something to happen to him.

Roman continue rocking his body back and forth while holding his girlfriend in his arms. He kissed her forehead, giving her tender kisses and spooning her from behind. Roman snuggled her close to him, whispering sweet nothings into her ears and fell asleep.

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