CHAPTER★14: Unexpected Birth

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*It's Time!*


Roman's three Shield brothers have won their match and was ready to see the Big Dog's girl along with their girlfriends. As soon as they got there, Roman and Valerie were with the Fallen Angels inside the locker room. Val was healthy at nine months pregnant with twins, eating some fruit and letting Roman massage her feet.

"When are those two kids popping out? We wanna see our niece and nephew!" Dean complained, wanting to have the twins born as soon as possible.

"I don't know yet Jon, the babies have been kicking nonstop and it has passed their due date last week. Looks like they wanna stay in Mommy and give their family a surprise." Valerie replied, rubbing her swollen belly and eating more pineapple pieces.

"Either way, I'm happy that the twins are coming here soon and going be beautiful like their mama." Roman said, pecking her cheek and kissing her stomach as he felt them kick where he put his lips at.

As soon as Val went for her last piece, she felt contractions and started panting. The blonde haired woman slowly sat up and rubbed her stomach, which got her loved ones to stare down at her in worry and concern. Roman was about to calm Val down from her contractions when her water broke, causing her to scream and trying to hold her babies.

"Dang it, why we have to jinx it on a time like this?!!" Paige shouted as she helps Valerie on her feet and take her to the bathroom. "Alright Nene, I gotta see how far you are...okay?"

Val nodded desperately, Paige got her set up and got the supplies ready for the babies. Roman called the hospital for an ambulance to pick up his babies and soon to be fiancée while the boys got everything situated. Paige wipes Valerie's tears and sweat away with a tissue, making sure that she's ready to push and give birth to twins.

"Ready Nene?" Paige asked her.

"Yeah," she answered with tears and fear written on her face.

"It's okay, your babies will be alright. Just believe in yourself cause you're a good mother and a great person. Start pushing on the count of, two, three, push!" Paige told her as Roman goes into the bathroom and immediately gets behind Valerie.

Valerie screams as she pushes every ten seconds each when Paige counts to three, the Original Anti-Diva took a clean towel and a nasal cleaner with some q-tips as she sees the head. Once Paige tells her to give her hardest push, Val complies while letting out a screech and heard crying. Paige cleans the baby and sees that it's a boy, cleaning him and letting Roman cut the cord.

"My son," Valerie cried happily.

"Here comes one more Nene, okay? One more twin and it's all done." Paige told her proudly.

"You hear that Babygirl, we have our son here. Our daughter needs her mommy to be strong for her," the Big Dog reassured her.

Val nodded, she starts pushing out her daughter and begins breathing deeply. After a few pushes, she heard the sounds of her daughter's cries and was crying in tears of joy. Paige wipes the baby girl up and cleans her up, shushing the infant as she wails and cries.

"It's a girl," the Anti-Diva whispered happily. "I got a goddaughter."

Paige hands the baby girl to Roman, who cut the cord and held her close after wrapping her into a towel. The new parents of their twin children smiled down at the babies in amazement and relief. Paige gently cleans Valerie before going outside to get the room unlocked and the stretcher inside the locker room.

"Jon, help Joe with Nene on the stretcher. Boys, help Becky and AJ with the baby supplies. I'll get the kids," she instructed.

The gang got Valerie placed on the stretcher with her babies and Roman held the mother of his children's hand tight. The truck took the parents and their twins to the hospital as the tour bus that has their buddies followed them. The birth of the third Anoa'i twins have been unexpected and grateful cause they're able to see their twins for the first time.

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