CHAPTER★15: A Milky Proposal

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*Hospital (Nighttime)*


Valerie was fast asleep while Roman watched over his newborn twin son and daughter. Their names are Leilanie Moana Anoa'i, and Leati Joseph Anoa'i Junior. Valerie named her first son after his father and wanted his name to be passed down each generation like her family.

Roman couldn't keep his eyes off of his kids, he smiles while the mother of his two babies slept in peace from her labor pushes and contractions. Junior and Leilanie were both exact copies of their father, but his daughter got her mother's looks and appearance. As soon as both of the children have started crying, Roman picked both of his kids up in his arms as his girlfriend wakes up and held her arms out for them.

Once they're in her arms, she quietly shushes them before she pulls her shirt sleeves to the sides to reveal her breast and let them suckle them. Valerie figures that they must be hungry and wanted something to make them both full. Roman smiles as the twins begun drinking and gulping down their mother's breast milk.

"Wow babe, they got this eating thing down real quick." Roman commented, smiling down at his family and watching the babies get full from their mom's milk.

The Samoan man helped his newly turned motherly girlfriend to sit up and burp one of the twins each without any help. After a few minutes, the twins fell asleep when Valerie finally got them to burp and make sure that they're both clean up nice. Roman kissed her hands before bending down on one knee, holding out a velvet box with an engagement ring in it and showed her the ring.

"LaNyce Marie Levesque, you've been my best friend since years and a great mother figure to my seven kids. You then gave me two more joys in my life yesterday and I'm thankful that you've been there for me. Wanna ask you this question for a long time, will you do the honor and marry me?" Roman proposed to Valerie.

"Oh my God...yes Joe, I'll be willing to marry you." Valerie replied in tears of joy as he slips the diamond engagement ring on her finger and they both begun passionately kissing before they pulled away.

Roman gave Valerie one single raised eyebrow and a smile filled with amusement. She looks down and saw her breast milk leaking out from her nipples through her thin white shirt, causing her to blush madly in embarrassment as Roman pulls them up and licks them clean to taste her sweet milk. Valerie bites her bottom lip from the sensitivity from her chest and lays back down to pet Roman's long locks of hair.

That was a milky proposal, one that they both will never forget and will laugh afterwards. They spent so much time with their son and daughter until they fell fast asleep. Roman and Valerie held onto each other on the hospital bed while their babies slept in serenity as a newly turned growing family.

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