Chapter 5

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"Your wounds are healing nicely and there should be minimal scarring," said Dr. Park.  "Just be sure to keep your leg elevated as much as you can to reduce swelling.  The wrap on your arm can be removed tomorrow, but we'll need to make sure you do stretching exercises daily so the muscles aren't stiff.  Amina, please make sure to bring some muscle relaxer injections tomorrow, just in case."

"Yes sunbaenim," replied Amina.  Youngbae watched as she made a couple of notes Dr. Park had given her for tomorrow's session. He couldn't help but notice how attractive she looked when she was working.  He snapped back to reality when he heard his name called.

"Youngbae... Boram... it was nice seeing you two again," Dr. Park bowed.  "I will see you next week for our follow-up.  In the meantime, please let Amina know if you need anything."  She turned towards Amina.  "Please make sure to give them our contact information before you leave.  I must get going.  I have surgery scheduled for this afternoon."

Youngbae returned the bow.  "Kamsahamnida, I appreciate you coming out of your way to visit me."

Boram walked Dr. Park out towards the door while Amina gathered her equipment and supplies.  She proceeded to write down her cell phone number and Dr. Park's office number, along with directions for when to take the prescribed pain medication.

"So, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then?" asked Youngbae. Why do I have to sound so hopeful? he asked himself.  He'd have to change his tone next time.

"Actually, you'll probably see me later tonight.  I have to re-dress your wound again because there's so much drainage during the first couple of days.  If things go as planned, I should be able to reduce my visits to only once a day."

He nodded.

"Do you have a preference for when I should arrive for the visits?"

Youngbae apologetically replied, "You'll have to check with Boram hyung on my schedule.  To be honest, I don't know where I'm going half the time.  I just show up."

Amina nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'll check with him.  It was nice seeing you today... Youngbae... um, Taeyang?" Amina cringed at her mishap. Her smile and confidence wavered slightly.

"That's alright," he smiled reassuringly at her.  "You can call me Youngbae."

"Youngbae it is then," Amina nodded and smiled shyly in return. "Annyeong." And with that, the cutest, sexiest, girl he'd ever met walked out of his room. He laid back on his sheets and sighed - a grin covering his face.

Later that evening...

The boys gathered for dinner in Youngbae and Daesung's dormitory, catching up on the day's activities and discussing what they had planned for the upcoming Christmas.  They ordered too much carry-out from their favorite restaurant nearby and their dining table was filed with all sorts of food from bibimbap to japchae. 

"Are you sure we shouldn't wait for Jiyong-hyung?" asked Daesung. 

"It's alright. He just texted me that he's going to be at the photo shoot for a few hours longer," replied Youngbae. "He'll eat before he gets back."

"And which photo shoot is this again?" asked Seunghyun.

"Some jewelry or fashion line promotion.  I'm not too sure, but it might be both."

"Well, let's not let the food get cold," replied Seungri as he dung into the first dish, much to the dismay of his elder band mates.

"Hyung, how much rice would you like?  Let me get it for you," asked Daesung.

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