Chapter 8

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Amina rushed out of the dorm without a second glance and started walking.  She didn't know where she was going, only that she needed to get away and clear her mind.  Aigo.... Why did I just let that happen? She was in no position to start a relationship with someone right now.  Her life was in turmoil as it was; she didn't need anything else to complicate matters.  After walking along the Han River for several minutes, Amina sat down on a nearby park bench.  The peaceful waters contrasted against  the roiling emotions inside her, but eventually the river started to calm her nerves.   She let out a huge sigh of despair.

The crisp winter air bit at her face and chilled her to the bone, but she was oblivious to it all. Try as she might, Amina couldn't block out the look of determination she saw in Youngbae's eyes.  Nor could she forget the way he held her or how he gently coaxed her into their first kiss.  She pressed her fingers against her lips and could still taste him there.  Angrily, she wiped at it, hating herself for wanting more.  What to do now?  I still have to see him tonight and the next day.... How could I be so stupid? After nearly an hour of contemplating, Amina picked up her phone and called Hanna. She prayed her older and wiser cousin would know what to do.

Hanna picked up on the first ring.  "Yoboseyo?"

"Unnie... it's me.  Are you free right now?  I need a drink."

Aside from the unusual comment, Hanna heard desperation in Amina's voice.  "Drink? This early?  Is everything ok?"

"It's nothing... I just need to talk."

"Alright, where?"

Amina named a shop she saw from her walk and then hung up.

Thirty minutes later, Hanna walked into 5 Extracts, a roastery and cafe in the trendy Hongdae neighborhood.  The bright lights and eclectic furniture inside were oddly comforting and welcoming. Bicycle props and industrial furniture decorated the shop. She spotted Amina sitting at a table in the corner of the shop, sipping on some concoction inside a demitasse. 

"Aish! said drink!" Hanna said accusingly as she sat down on a iron back lawn chair.  "Where the hell are we at?"  Then in a lower tone, Hanna hissed, "The chairs don't even match!"

"Shh!" Amina laughed.  "You'll get both of us thrown out."

Hanna looked around the shop.  "Well, that would very sad," she said sarcastically, "considering we're the only ones here!"

"Oh c'mon, unnie.  I thought you liked trying out new things. Look, they even have iPads for menus," Amina spouted cheerfully, trying to lighten up Hanna's mood.

Hanna ignored the comment. Instead, she initiated a small stare down competition until Amina shifted uncomfortably. "So what's going on with you lately?" asked Hanna pointedly.

"Nothing much," Amina lied.  "I just have a lot going on with work, that's all."

"Cut the crap.  I've called and texted you several times the past couple of weeks, but you always flaked out on me.  And I swear you saw me at the furniture store a few days ago, but you didn't stop by.  And now, you call me out of the blue to meet up.  What gives?"

"How are my parents doing?" Amina asked, dodging the question.

Hanna decided to play her game for now.  "They're doing okay, I suppose.  Business is going well.  Your umma wants you back home..."

"Then she should tell me then." Amina's voice had taken a hard tone.

"You know that's not how it works.  You're the daughter.  You have to be the one that comes back."

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