Chapter 14

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Youngbae observed Amina and Seunghyun converse at the bar, their heads close together.  He saw a flurry of hand motions and then watched Amina laugh at something hyung said.  Moments later, Amina downed a shot of hard liquor which sparked Seunghyun to do a head wiggle dance. It was her third shot of the evening.  Unable to contain his frustration anymore, Youngbae got up from his table.

"Jiyong..." Youngbae walked over to his friend who was conversing with a staff member.  That person walked off as soon as they saw the urgent concern written on Youngbae's face. "Do you see what hyung's doing over there?" He motioned his head towards the wine entrance.

Jiyong squinted his eyes and moved his head to look towards the couple in question.  A weird expression swept across his face.  "I think... they're playing kawi bawi bo?"

"With alcohol?"  Youngbae quipped in disbelief.

Jiyong shrugged his shoulders.  "I don't see anything wrong with it. It seems innocent enough."

Youngbae couldn't believe what he was hearing.  They both knew how much Seunghyun liked to drink.  Hyung didn't know his limits.  "I don't think he's taking it easy on her.  It looks like he's trying to get them both drunk."

Jiyong looked at his friend and could tell he was sincerely worried.  He felt a twinge of guilt that hyung was taking it so far.  He was about to get up and talk to Seunghyun himself, but was taken aback by the flash of anger in Youngbae's eyes.

"Where's Seungri? He needs to take her home.... now."

Jiyong couldn't respond fast enough.  He watched Youngbae turn around and walk off, passing Daesung on the way.  Daesung, oblivious to the conversation that just went on, continued playing with his phone until he sat down a few chairs away. 

"Yah!" Jiyong called out to Daesung.  "Who have you been texting all night?"

Daesung smiled.

Trying to be discreet as possible, Youngbae walked around the banquet room until he finally found Seungri holed up in the corner.  He was halfway past drunk and laughing away with a few back-up dancers.  His carefree attitude grated on Youngbae's nerves.  "Seungri!" he called loudly over the music.  Maybe too loudly.  A few of the dancers started to back away and headed towards other tables.  They could sense the tension radiating from Youngbae's body and watched silently nearby, anticipating the worst.

"So is this where you've been hiding out all night?" Youngbae asked scornfully.

Seungri straightened his body in the dining chair.  "Huh? I haven't been hiding from anybody."

"Then why did you leave Amina alone tonight?  Didn't you bring her here?"

"She's not alone," Seungri replied defensively. 

"Yeah, that's right.  She's with hyung at the bar getting wasted," Youngbae sarcastically responded. 

Seungri glanced over at the bar and guilt lit his eyes for a brief second.  He looked back at Youngbae. "If you're so concerned, then just go over there and tell him to stop."  He couldn't help himself from adding, "If it weren't for you, I'm sure she wouldn't be drinking anyways."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sparks of anger shot from Youngbae's eyes as he stepped closer to Seungri. 

Seungri stood up slowly.  "You know what I mean."  The two stood toe to toe, facing each other.  "If you hadn't been ignoring her all night, maybe she wouldn't have to find something... or 'someone' else to amuse her."

For the first time in his life, Youngbae saw red flash before his eyes.  His hands shook but he stifled his temper and backed away.  In a low demanding voice, he said, "You brought her here.  You need to take her home.  Now, before things get out of hand."

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