Chapter 19

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This wasn't something she could easily forget.  The way his eyes burned into hers and how they turned stormy right before he kissed her. Or how he would chuckle quietly when she made an impish remark, the way his lips curved up when he smiled.  The feel of his warm skin next to hers and the imprints his body made against hers.  These memories were all tattooed in her heart, unforgettable.  Amina tossed and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep.  She was thinking too much.  And missing him even more.

Amina reached out to grab her cell phone off the night stand.  She touched the standby power button on and swiped her finger across the screen.  It was 4:34am.  Too late to fall asleep.  Too early to start the day.  In limbo. It was exactly how she felt about her relationship with Youngbae. There was something there, she knew.  As brief as it was, she had never felt this way before.  She felt alive, free... happy.  She wanted to believe that he felt something for her in return.  But their last encounter left her confused.

She just wanted to know.  Once she knew, she told herself she would be able to move on.  But until then... she would always wonder.  She at least deserved to know, she told herself.  With that thought in mind, she quickly typed her message and hit 'send' before she lost courage. 

Amina stared at her phone a few seconds afterwards, knowing it was foolish to think that he would respond to her this early in the morning.  Or even at all. With a heavy sigh, she fell back on her bed and closed her eyes. 

The vibration of his phone caught him off guard.  He had been lying awake in bed the past several hours, his earlier run having done nothing to slow his body or mind down.  He could still feel the softness and warmth of her skin; the way her body would burn up in flames when he caressed her neck with his lips.  Her face haunted him every time he closed his eyes. Her expressive brown eyes speaking volumes when they gazed at him.  He couldn't shake her off.

Youngbae reached under his pillow for his phone, puzzled by the unexpected notification.  His eyes adjusted against the bright LED screen briefly before he tapped on his messages.  It was from Amina. His lips parted slightly in surprise.

Maybe I misunderstood.  Maybe it was me. Please tell me why. Tell me why and I'll be fine.

He re-read her message over and over; his heart conflicted over her words that begged him to explain.  Youngbae squeezed his eyes close, trying to block out her voice that was coming through. He fought against the emotions that were threatening to return.  The ones that wanted to tell him to forget what he heard or saw; to continue living in ignorance. But his pride wouldn't let him back down. He turned his phone off and shoved it back under his pillow. 

That following evening...

Amina checked to make sure her apartment door was locked before heading downstairs towards the parking garage.  She spotted the black M-5 BMW waiting for her near the entrance and made her way over. 

Hanna glanced over at Amina as she buckled herself in without saying a word.  "Annyeong," said Hanna expectantly, scrutinizing Amina's odd behavior.  She immediately noticed the dark circles under Amina's eyes.

Amina turned towards her and apologetically smiled.  "Annyeong unnie," she said, half-yawning.  "Mianhae..." As was protocol, they were dressed in formal dining attire.  Hanna wore a mid-length green velvet dress with pumps, her hair coiffed in a low bun.  While the front was demure, the back was low cut and showcased her alluring back and creamy shoulders.  Amina, on the other hand, chose to dress more conservatively tonight, opting for a simple long black evening gown, with long sleeves and a high neckline that hid everything except for her hands and neck.  Her hair was swept to the sides of her face and lightly curled.  She kept her make-up and jewelry minimal, knowing that she would be checked out by everyone at the party. 

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