Chapter 30

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He knocked on the door once more.

"Seungri.  Open the door."

The door creaked open.  "Hyung." Seungri opened the door wider.

"Why aren't you coming downstairs to eat?" asked Jiyong, his observant eyes taking in Seungri's sad state.  The maknae looked like he was mourning someone, his eyes downcast and face somber.

"I'm not hungry," Seungri replied.

"Well, I'm dying down there," Jiyong explained, his fingers running through his hair.  "Ji-Na noona won't speak to anyone at all, Youngbae only replies with one syllable words. And Hanna is upset at herself." He let out a huff of air.  "If it stays that way, I'm going to have to come eat in your room."  He looked over Seungri once more.  "But maybe it's worse up here?"

"Where's Amina?"

"She's sleeping."  Jiyong noticed Seungri's shoulders visibly relax.  "Damn... don't tell me you too."

"Mianhae hyung."

"Why are you apologizing to me for?!"

Seungri looked up woefully at Jiyong, his demeanor worried.  "It's all my fault.  I was supposed to be there with her but I walked away too far.  I didn't hear her fall in." He shook his head, hating himself.

Jiyong felt pity for Seungri.  The maknae felt truly guilty for the accident.  "Look... it's over.  She's recovering fine.  And your face looks baby smooth as ever, so I assume Youngbae doesn't blame you."

"Ani..." Seungri looked up, his eyes intense.  "I've never seen hyung so mad at me before.  He hates me."

"Aish..." Jiyong clasped Seungri around the neck, giving the maknae a reassuring hug. "He doesn't hate you.  I'm sure he was just scared, that's all."  He could see that some of his words were penetrating Seungri's senses, but it wasn't enough to erase the sadness from his face.  "Give him time.  He'll tell you himself."

Seungri nodded, his eyes still sad.

"If you want to stay up here and self-reflect, fine.  But do it fast.  We're all leaving tomorrow and I'll be damn if we don't get shit cleared up before then," Jiyong warned with a determined glint in his eyes.  He shut Seungri's door and walked back downstairs to join the others, mentally sighing to himself.  "Ottoke..." he moaned.

The pension was silent because many of its occupants decided to turn in early.  Ji-Na feigned a headache, her mood not improving at all throughout dinner.  She promptly went upstairs after she was finished, not bothering to help clean up.  Hanna on the other hand, was too pent up.  She busied herself with clearing and washing everyone's plates, mopping the floor, wiping down the countertops.  Jiyong was amused at first, but became worried when she started to ask if she could clean the guest rooms. 

"Come on," Jiyong urged, pulling the broom away from Hanna's hands.  "Let's go outside for some fresh air."

"Ani," Hanna tucked and re-tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Look at this mess.  It needs cleaning.  I don't want your parents to think we've been slobs while they've been out."

Jiyong glanced over at Youngbae for some help.  But his friend was lost in thought, the key to Amina's room rotating over and over in the palm of his hand.  Jiyong cleared his throat loudly.

Youngbae glanced up from the dining table, pocketing the key.  He stood up and took the broom away from Hanna.  "I'll finish up."

"See?" Jiyong quirked his eyebrow.  "Youngbae-sshi is going to finish.  Let's go."  He pulled Hanna with him, ignoring her backward glances towards the broom Youngbae was holding.  The girl needed to loosen up and stop over-thinking. 

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