Chapter 23

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“Stop messing with your shirt.  It looks fine,” an annoyed Jiyong said.

Youngbae sighed and stopped fidgeting with the neckline on his button-up shirt.  He normally didn’t wear such restrictive garments and tonight, the collar felt like it was choking him.  Youngbae returned the annoyed look.  “You know, if you weren’t my best friend, you’d be the last person I’d want to be with right now.”

Jiyong grinned.  “Whatever.  You owe me.”

Youngbae smirked in return.  It was true.  He did owe Jiyong after his behavior the other night.  Word had spread throughout their dorm that he and Seungri had gotten into a fight.  But Jiyong smoothed things over by telling the managers it was all a misunderstanding. That Seungri had stumbled and hit the coffee table himself that night, causing the gash and slight bruise on his lower jaw.  And Youngbae’s wounds?  Well, that happened when he tried to help Seungri up. Or so the story goes.

Luckily for him, YG believed the story even if he was suspicious for a moment.  He gave Seungri a stern lecture over the effects of alcohol and over-imbibing.  And for some reason, Seungri just took his punishment without complaint.  Youngbae knew he had to speak to Seungri about the incident and apologize soon.  But he hadn’t seen the maknae since that night.

And Jiyong, good friend that he was, didn’t push him for answers.  He didn’t hound him with questions but just stood by, waiting.  And that just made the situation all the more worse.  Because Youngbae could tell by the way Jiyong looked at him that he was worried.  And the last thing Youngbae wanted was for another person to worry about him.

But he wasn’t going to think about that tonight.  No, tonight was Jiyong’s night.  His friend’s fashion jewelry line was on display at a gala where buyers for large department stores and exclusive boutiques would be at. Youngbae was just along for the ride to support him tonight.  Stuffy collar and all.

“You couldn’t find another ‘date’ for tonight?”

Jiyong seemed affronted.  “Why would I? We all know you’re the prettiest girl around.”

Youngbae chuckled.

“Good,” replied Jiyong.  “I need you in a good mood because it’s going to be a boring night.”

Their black SUV escorted them to the front entrance of KT House of Diamond's headquarters in Gangnam-gu. In front of the skyscraper building, a red carpet rolled out and was flanked with lines of photographers, news casters, and security guards. Across the street, several fans stood awaiting their appearance. Jiyong and Youngbae exited the SUV and were momentarily blinded by camera flashes.  They smiled and waved their hands accordingly, taking time to answer a few questions and pose for photo ops before heading inside.

They traveled up to the nineteenth floor where the ballroom would be hosting tonight's festivities. It was quieter upstairs, less chaotic. 

"So is this where you did your photo shoot for the promotions?" asked Youngbae.

"Neh.  We went over the concept and they set up the photo shoot nearby since we didn't have enough time before the release." Jiyong watched as Youngbae glanced around the massive hallway leading towards the ballroom. "Pretty nice, huh?"

"Neh.  Seems too nice. Expensive," he remarked, taking in the gold gilded furniture and art pieces.

"Yeah," replied Jiyong.  "And it's real too."


"Neh.  I think it's like a family heirloom or something.  At least, that's what I've heard."

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