7-He's an alpha

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I love this chapter:)


Love and Lies
                   "you will be my omega" 

"Hey, cutie."

"Let's fight," He roared as he washed his face, his chest, neck, waist up exposed with hickies. Taehyung smirked. He was leaning on the door frame, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You sure you want to fight?" He asked, striding towards the shower. He was about to go in but then he looked back to see jungkook wiping his face. Taehyung smirked proudly, looking at the hickies he made on the alpha.

He grabbed jungkooks ass.

"You piece of shit!" Jungkook growled, glaring at taehyung through the mirror.

Honestly that kinda felt go-

"I will beat the living crap out of you!" Jungkook angrily exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" Taehyung whispered in jungkooks ears, biting his earlobe.

Jungkook groaned, his eyes closing from sensation, a hot pit forming in his stomach, "stop that."

Taehyung didn't stop, instead kissed his neck.

Jungkook almost moaned.

"I said stop that!" Jungkook growled. "Don't you ever touch me like that again."

Taehyung kissed him one last time. It wasn't like there was anything stopping him. Yes, Jungkook was just growling but he wasn't making any effort to push taehyung away.

Taehyung backed away, trailing to the shower and closed the curtain.

"Phony," jungkook scoffed, walking out the bathroom to his closet. Then he heard someone knock on his door.

He wore a black shirt and black baggy jeans before walking towards the door. He wasn't expecting anyone really. So it's probably jimin or his brothers.

But when he opened the door, he was met with his dad.

He was smiling.

Not smiling enough to reach his eyes, but enough to create a wrinkle on his cheeks.

"Son," his deep voice ozzed out scarily. It was deep but not husky deep like Taehyung's, jungkook thought. Taehyung's voice is much sexier-

No he didn't just think that.

Jungkook was still in his head that he didn't realize his father had already went in and was snooping around with a clothes in hand.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, closing the door.

"To meet your mate," Jungwook said, straight to the point. "Might he be in the shower?" He asked, though he knew because of the sound of the water running.

Jungkook leaned on the door, crossing his arms with a scowl. "What do you want?"

"Well I met jimin outside the door, he had your mates clothes so I thought I should bring it as I met him." He answered nonchalant, eyes gasping at jungkooks neck.

"Oh so you claimed him already," His father said a bit proud. Hickies were a sign one being claimed. And that means taehyung was full of them as well. Jungkook marked him. He was the one who dominated taehyung and his dad is proud.

"More like he claimed me," jungkook mumbled to himself. Jungwook didn't catch that.

"Son, why don't you invite him to our combat premieres today?" Jungwook said, sitting on the bed.

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