23-Faltered smiles

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                         •Love and Lies•
     "A star that will twinkle your world."

"It has been two weeks, has jungkook not returned?"

"Not yet, sir," Namjoon replied; "I heard he will be back the week after." He lied.

Jungwook nodded, "Tell Yoongi to bring him back as soon as possible, there's important matters at hand. I need him back before autumn strikes."

"Yes, sir,"Namjoon nodded, bowed in respect and retreated to his fiancé who was waiting outside the hall room.

"Baby, what happened?" Seokjin asked worriedly, holding Namjoons hands in his; "Did he yell at you?"

"No," Namjoon shaked his head and began walking away with seokjin. He sighed, "He wants kook back here as soon as possible."


"For major matters, he said," Namjoon replied and as soon as they got to their shared room, they dialed yoongi. It took a couple dials until he picked up.

"What's up, joon?" Yoongi greeted from the other side.

"Dad said you have to bring jungkook back," Namjoon instantly said, straight to the point. He put the phone on speaker so seokjin could hear as well, because why not.

"Oh,"Yoongi expressed; from the kitchen where he was standing, he looked to the living room to find taehyung and jungkook cuddling. Taehyung pampering kisses everywhere on his face and jungkook complaining while smiling; a big genuine smile he had only ever witnessed once since childhood.

"I don't think he's ready to come back," Yoongi exclaimed, his eyes lingering on jungkook, taking in that smile he and Namjoon had always wished to witness once again.

Namjoon and seokjins stiffened, knowing what that meant. They knew exactly why jungkook went to Ash. They were teasing him about it before he left. And they were so sure the mates would reunite, yet, "They got back together?!"

Yoongi smiled, "Yep. They're so damn cheesy. And did you know that Kook can smile all day?" Yoongi fake gasped. "Every time I see him, he's smiling. It scares me for a second."

"What!?" Seokjin screeched from the other side, almost falling from where he was sitting; and yoongi moved the phone far way from his ear. "He smiles?! I've never seen that shit even once!"

Namjoon crackled, "He's happy, isn't he?"

"Yeah," Yoongi sighed; "He seems to have found a star to twinkle his dark world."

The others on the other side sighed heavily as well. They really cared for the younger. It made them happy to know that there was positive change in his life.

Jungkook hasn't been the happiest since his mother's death. They know that because they've been with him since. But the younger never really talked to them, it took a good three years for him to open up to them, to the very slightest.

They accepted the younger in their hearts as their brother. Their little brother. They were always there for him, though they barely saw each other because of how busy he was with training. He was always with his dad and he had less freedom than them.

At one point, Namjoon and yoongi pitied the boy.

They always prayed that the younger would one day, find another star to twinkle his world like his mother's. They had always seen him looking at the stars everynight, and when jungkook told them he was looking at his mom, they cried.

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