15-fuck you into oblivion

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                •Love and Lies•
  ''Some realizations"

Taehyung ended up tying a blindfold on Jungkook. jungkook questioned him, but taehyung didn't answer. Nevertheless, jungkook was happy when he felt Taehyung's body pressed against his. The tension he had missed, the warmth he had deeply desired was now one with him and he was content.


Taehyung overpowered that mere frame of the moment. To jungkook, there was light, despite him not being able to see anything. Because when taehyung was with him, close to him, touching him like he was a precious rare diamond, jungkook felt himself sinking deeper in the depths of the narrow oblige of Taehyung's warmth each time. He had come to crave it, his attention, to yearn for it, despite not being able to decipher the meaning behind each intimacy.

Until then, until the moment when he truly listens to his heart, a taste of the delicate word we all call love, something pure yet destructive, until then, jungkook will remain close to taehyung, getting to know him, understand him to the point where he would be able to share his deepest secrets.

Jungkook could smell taehyung, his cinnamon like scent engulfing his senses. It made him feel dizzy. A good kind of dizzy. The kind where he felt addicted. Like a drug he wanted to whiff everyday till the day he would perish even.

But that's too far off the subject, jungkook is not even sure if he likes taehyung but him having came all this way, having had given himself to taehyung without a second thought at the moment, proves otherwise.


When will he concede his feelings to taehyung?

It may take years, or not, but at the moment, all he knows is that even in pure darkness, he can picture taehyung. His glorious beautiful face that got them in this situation in the first place. jungkooks learned to savor the moment. His heart beats against his rib cage like a prisoner trying to escape the confined cell, only to fail each time, yet try over and over again.

Its always beating for taehyung.

Jungkook was hot, lust taking over him. He felt euphoric when taehyung told him he had missed him.

Jungkook almost smiled, he was content. He was happy, glad, relieved to hear those words come out of taehyung mouth that he wanted so bad to secure their lips together until there was barely any oxygen left.

Jungkook wrapped his hands around Taehyung's neck, and when taehyung had him stand, he wrapped his legs around his waist as taehyung supported his weight from his thighs. Jungkook kissed taehyung over and over again as taehyung brought him to bed.

"Tae, I've missed you so much~" Jungkook mumbled, pouring his feelings in those words. Call him weak, needy or whatever thou so think, jungkook doesn't give a fuck as long as he's with Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled, his eyes twinkled. He felt his heart leap out of his chest when he looked at jungkook who was squirming underneath him. He looked so innocent and cute. His plumb pink lips jutted into a pout and his reddened cheeks. He looked adorable.

Taehyung knows what he feels for jungkook. He knows why he felt so relieved, so happy when he saw jungkook at his house. And why he felt guilty deep down. In fact, he regretted leaving jungkook. In the span of that week, without jungkook, he couldn't stop thinking about the younger, even when he played with jimin.

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