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                           •Love and Lies•
                     "The kitchen"


Jungkook moaned by accident. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand, resisting the will to touch himself.

He needed to go off. Jungkook needed to release. It was already the middle of the night and he's been fighting his heat for more than two hours now. He cursed his stupid wolf and the mate bullshit.

Jungkook was sweating. His whole body was hot, he felt like he was laying in a fire pit and each second, it grew hotter. His dick was twitching. It was red, veins visible, and throbbing in pain. Jungkook whole body felt dry. It needed to be touched, touched by his mate.

But his mate wasn't there. He wasn't there to fuck him, to touch him, to kiss him and relieve him of his heat like he had always done when it happened. He wasn't there to make love to jungkook.

He wasn't even marked by taehyung so this shouldn't even be as painful, but it was.

Jungkook had took all his clothes off, and was naked. He had turned on the ceiling fan and opened the windows, hoping there would be some sort of cold breeze that could cool him down a little.
But it was no use. Jungkook got hotter each second.

He gritted his teeth, eyes closed shut. He could see Taehyung face in the darkness of his shut eyelids but he couldn't open his eyes wide. The heat was damn hard to control. Yet Jungkook wouldn't give in. He won't fuck himself in the name of taehyung. He won't satisfy his needy wolf in the name of taehyung.

Because what will he do if this happened in the future again? No. He won't fuck himself very time in the name of taehyung, and  he can't go fuck someone else in the name of Taehyung. Plus he was in no position to go out. Because all jungkook could think of at the moment, was his mate.

That fucking piece of cheating shit.

Jungkook fought with his hands to not touch himself. Not to run his hands through his waist, where taehyung loved to caress. To not touch his buds that taehyung loved to tease. He fought hard not to touch his dick, not to insert a finger in his ass that taehyung loved to fuck senseless. He fought with his whole body. It was war against him and himself. He fought through the pain that felt as if he was sitting in a volcano that didn't burn him, but made him hot enough to feel like he was dying.

In the end, jungkook managed to tie his hands on the leg of his bed, and rolled around the floor. Each time he moaned, he bit his lip. Each time his dick throbbed, he ignored it. Each time his veins ran hot as if trying to burn his skin, he ignored it.

And he fought, knowing taehyung was going through the same thing.

Had taehyung touched himself? Did he moan his name? Oh right, he probably fucked that bitch to get off. Jungkook chuckled dryly at the thought, his throat was so dry he could taste his own sweat. The salty taste that made him gag.

Jungkook groaned in pain, he won't get off for taehyung. He can do this. He can do anything and he'll fight through this. His wolf, And his hormones will just have to get used to not getting their needs satisfied by their mate.

Because he had no mate.

At least not by his side.

He closed his eyes once again. His toes curling in pain and then, all so suddenly, a different kind of sharp pain stabbed him in his abdomen. It was sharp, like a sword piercing his insides not multiples times but one painful stab, slow and steady, waiting for him to feel the pain completely. He felt the pain travel through his intestines, to his pumping heart, until he was heaving, until he was crying and whimpering.

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