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••Love and Lies••
"i love you"

"Taehyung, wake up," Jungkook groaned, lazily snuggling further into Taehyung's comfort that morning. Jungkook had decided to spend the night at Taehyung's. He was enjoying the comfort of his taehyungs warmth until somebody decided to knock on the door.


"What?" Taehyung mumbled, his eyes yet shut. "Let's sleep some more jungkookie~" taehyung said, wrapping his arms around jungkooks waist tighter.

"Taehyung someone's knocking~" Jungkook whined and taehyung said nothing. Jungkook huffed and got out the bed; he yawned, wearing Taehyung's rather larger slides. He took slow, and careful steps to the door as he pulled down his, well taehyungs long sweatshirt that reached his thighs.

He winced at the cold doorknob and opened the door slightly, so he was peeking his head out so the person outside couldn't see inside.

"Oh. It's you," He muttered, his brows furrowed.

"How did you-" Nana, Taehyung's maid gasped, remembering the horrific interaction with the stranger. "What are you doing here?" she panicked.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook intersected, taking a good look at her. She was in her maid uniform, purple skirt and white shirt. She had her hair tied into a messy bun and she was wearing a cute bunny necklace. She was also holding a tray, which was Taehyung's breakfast he assumed. Yet jungkook still asked, "And you are Taehyung's maid?"

"Yes, I am," Nana responded confidently, trying not tremble under jungkooks gaze. "And who are you? Why are you in this room?"

Taehyung groaned when he didn't feel jungkook beside him for too long, "Jungkookie baby, come back~"

Jungkook chuckled because he thought Nana's sudden bewildered expression was rather amusing. She almost fell back. Her eyes enlarged and her mouth wide agape. She looked terrified. She was beyond shocked, hearing her prince address this so called man baby.

"That would be me. Thank you for the breakfast,"  jungkook said, taking the tray from her hands and shut the door.

"Hurry~" Taehyung mumbled.

"It's about eight am my prince," Jungkook said, sitting beside taehyung and kissed his forehead, his hands caressing his hair. "You should wake up and eat breakfast."

Taehyung giggled, "My prince, huh?"

"Yes, my prince," Jungkook said, placing the tray on his lap. "These meals are never enough."

Taehyung agreed, and went under the blanket. "How about we go to out today? I have yet to happily explore the city of Ashton."

"Then I shall accompany you my prince," Jungkook continued, eating a piece of breadstick and placed the tray with porridge on the table stand beside Taehyung's bed. "I will guard you with my life."

"Then I'm afraid I do not want you coming with me, Sir. Jeon," Taehyung emphasized, peeking out the the blanket to see jungkook chewing. "I want to go with my love not a guard."

Jungkook choked, he coughed, his lungs passing on him from taehyung brazen words that he should be used to by now; cringey he calls them.

Taehyung quickly attended him; he gave him some of the juice on the tray as he rubbed his back. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm okay," Jungkook stummered as taehyung wiped his lips with his hands.

"Don't do that," taehyung warned, pinching the younger's cheeks, "You scared me," He said, his eyes lingering onto the others with infinite fondness, expressing the love and care he has for the younger.

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