29-We meet; again?

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There's a lot of scenes in this chapter—many important ones too. I could've cut it into about two chapters but it Would've been a cliffhanger . I want to also end this below the chapters 49. Cozz That's too much. Buttt the chapters just keep coming and I don't know why😭 thats crazy just things keeps coming and then there's problems and solutions and fluffs like goodness

?Y'all notice the chapters are getting longer and longer?👀😭😭 ts one is almost 4000 words

•Love and Lies•

Jungkook legs were growing tired on him, he was about to give up until he walked passed the kitchen. He didn't know it was the kitchen but when he walked by, a scent he recognized drew him back.

He was hesitant to follow the scent. His heart was aching but he wanted to know. He didn't care but he wanted to know. Jungkook may have been smelling things because, why would taehyung be in the castle? He knew Ashton was his hometown, and he was probably here as well knowing jimin was here but not in the castle.

So despite the rage, despite the rapid heartbeats, despite his mind continuously telling him to ignore whatever the scent was, jungkooks heart and his Wolf gave him the will to follow the scent.

He was hoping he was just smelling something similar to Lavender or the lavender itself. He hesitated to open the door, afraid of what was behind it. He didn't know what he was going to do if he actually saw that person. It was like his body was controlling him, And he couldn't turn back.

when jungkook finally opened the door, he saw the kitchen. Jungkook was relieved at that, letting out a huge sigh. It was all he had been looking for all night and he found it. Jungkook quickly looked around here and there, but he saw no one.

But what he did see, was a vase of lavender at the very back. He concluded that he had mistaken that for the unique similar scent of his mates.Though his mates scent was lighter, gentler and a sweet kind of soft, mixed with a kind of cologne he liked to use.

Exactly, it was lighter and gentler. And the vase wasn't. It had a thick smell of lavender, like that of a plants. So jungkooks nose had to be smelling his mate, because his wolf sensed its mate near him. It sent him signals of his mates presence nearby.

It was as if taehyung was in the same room as him.

Jungkook sighed.

He had moved on. He didn't care anymore. Taehyung doesn't faze him. So say he was actually in there, then he was hiding. hiding from who and for what reason??? Hiding from jungkook because he cheated and was a coward to face him; he won't go looking for taehyung. Taehyung should be the one looking for him. He has no reason to hide from jungkook. He's the cheater. The liar.

Jungkook took a trey and packed some food he saw covered in baskets and took some from there. He could've ate them in there but the lingering scent fogged his mind. And he couldn't think straight when all his heart did was drum against his chest. He remembered to bring water, lots of water because he was thirsty.

Jungkook with a heavy heart, and his wolf refusing to leave, dragged himself out. He couldn't stay there any longer.

Because he felt weak,

Like crying,

Like he'd have a break down.

Taehyung heard the door close. He sighed in relief. It had to be jungkook, his heart told him. He was in the same castle as him, he panicked at the thought. That meant he wasn't hallucinating at the garden, it really was jungkook. He was there.

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