ғɪʀsᴛ ᴋɪʟʟ࿐🔪 part 3

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Welp, were finally at the killing part and im already excited to write lmao.

enjoy part 3 and if you people dont like murder and stuff..

I suggest to leave... i don't wanna get sue here!!!

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Darryl was stuned and gaze upon the new student that his face is full on pink blush and his eye's has heart's. Zak seated infront of Darryl and Darryl was lucky knowinge he can spy his future lover.

Darryl pov - he is so cute.. i can't take my eye's away from you darling~

Sam keep's calling Darryl's name but Darryl just zone out looking at Zak but his classmate tap on Darryl's shoulder and told him that professor Sam is calling him.

Darryl - huh?

Sam - Darryl i asked you to solve this equation on the board... i notice your not listening to class..

Darryl - oh so sorry teacher i wasn't listening..

Sam - wow.. did not expect you to be honest-

Darryl - but i will gladly solve that easy equation of yours^^

Sam - wait wha-

Darryl get's up and grabs the white board marker at Sam's hand and started solving the equation perfectly and line them up according to percentigest and decimals and he hands back the white board marker to sam and that made him total shock and almost drop his jaw's.

Sam - w..ow that was unexpected.. Philza wasn't kidding when he told me your the smartest person in school.

Darryl - Thank you professor. I advance study.

The student was suprised by Darryl like they knew he was smart but they did not know he was that smart, the student clap and praised Darryl and he goes back to his sit and Zak look's at him with a smile.

Zak - dude you were awesome back their!

Darryl blushed even more and cover his face and the teacher ask if Darryl is ok. Darryl told the teacher his fine but the teacher told clay to take him at the nurse office cause he look's really red.

Clay - ok professor Sam

Darryl - b..but im fine sir.. plus class aint over yet!

Sam - you already solve the equation in advance.. i think it's ok for you to skip class this one. plus ill tell your friends to note down your assingments.

Clay - *gets up and grabs Darryl arm* come on dude let's get you to the nurse's office.

Darryl sight and gets up and Zak waves at Darryl and that made him blushed even more and clay hurry him to the nurse and the nurse told him he can lay down in bed and he will check him.

Clay hug's Darryl and wave's goodbye to him telling him to call him and the other's if anything goes wrong. Darryl noded and also hug clay and waves goodbye and telling him goodluck at class.

Nurse - so Darryl, what seem's to be the problem here?

Darryl - well nothing really.. but my teacher told me to come here cause he said i was red and daze out..

❤️ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇsɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ💙 𝙰 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now