ᴀᴅᴠɪᴄᴇ࿐✨ part 5

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It was now wednesday and Darryl woke up early and go to his closet and see his shrine that he build yesterday. Darryl grabs the water bottle and he hugs it pretending to be his crush and same goes for the other stuff he stole from his house.

(Dont you dare call me weird when i do bad like this.... when he clearly has his OWN shrine of skeppy, and trust me.. his shrine is way worst then what im writing...)

Darryl - oh darling i cant wait to see you again at school *gigles*

Darryl goes to changes his pj to his uniform and proceed to go downstairs and his mom and dad was their telling Darryl to eat breakfast.

Mom - morning honey. come eat breakfast now.

Dad - you seem more cheerfull than usual

Darryl - well i just had a good dream that's all^^

Mom - oh well that's sweet, and me and your dad.. i dont know what happened last night..

Dad - y..yeah me and your mom just woke up at our bedroom and we clearly remember we were just having dinner..

Darry - *goes sit down* whatever do you mean? i saw dad went to sleep early and mom cleaning the kitchen while i feed lucy, do my homework and went to bed.

Mom - oh really? maybe we were just dreamimg aswell..

Dad - yeah.. well enought of that, lets eat.

Darryl - ok dad^^

Darryl and both of his parents started eating and after their done Darryl and his Dad went out now. Darryl saw his friends and come's to them and his Dad pat Darryl's head wishing him goodluck at school and Darryl give him a fake smile saying will do.

Darryl and his friends started to walk together and talk about what they were doing last night and Darryl replied after he finishes his erand he just studied because he missed Math class. The 3 laught saying how much can he study if his already smart and advance already. Darryl just gigles telling them he was just bored and had nothing else to do.

They all arrive at school still talking while Darryl bump into someone again and causing him to fall down once again.

Darryl - oww..

Nick - dude you alright?

Darryl - y..yeah..

Zak - oh my gosh im so sorry!!

Darryl look's up and see Zak and offer's to help him up. Darryl's heart was pounding way too much and his faced started to blush and his voice crack.

Darryl - i..uhh.. Z..Za-  *runs away and screams*

Zak - Wait Darryl-!

Clay - what was that all about?

George - yeah.. that was totally new..

Nick - hey you!

Zak - me?

Nick - yeah you! what did you do to our sweet and innocent Darryl!!!

❤️ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇsɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ💙 𝙰 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now