ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴛᴀɢᴇs ° ᭄🤞 part 29

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= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

Thank you.

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It was now monday and Sunny was at her room putting on her school uniform and hiding her hickey's with the scarft that Erick gave her yesterday.

Sunny - tsk.. can't believe that asshole found me.. even if i want him dead i cant even kill him cause his way skilled than me..

Sunny sight knowing she can still rest easy.. she hoped. She goes to Darryl's room knocking on his door telling him to wake up for school. Then Sunny went downstair's, put on her apron and started cooking breakfast and lunch for school.

[ ... ]

Darryl woke up to hear Sunny saying to get up and prepared for School. Darryl get's up and yawns then he head over to the bathroom to take a shower, brush his teeth and changes to his school uniform. Darryl than pick up lucy and both headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

Sunny - morning cous. Go and feed lucy than come have some breakfast sandwhich.

Darryl - alright Sunny.

Darryl goes to the cabinet and grab's some dog food for lucy than he feeds her. Darryl went to sit down to the table and Sunny bring Darryl some vanilla milkshake, blueberry muffin and a turkey sandwhich.

Darryl thanked Sunny and once again he was confused why Sunny wore that scarft again, than he started to ask Sunny.

Darryl - so.. mind telling me why your still wearing that scarft?

Sunny - oh umm... i..it's cold..

Darryl - it's very sunny outside.. plus cold season will start once its the end of octorber.. your hiding something from me arent you?

Sunny - n..no!! t..that's not it! i..i just like the design..

Darryl - that's a horrible exuse coming from you and plus.. its just plated red.. and the way you shutter when you talk i know your hiding something.. better tell it or i'll make you say it...

Sunny - oh is that a tret dear cousin? *smiles*

Darryl - *smiles* of course^^

Darryl get's up and Sunny started to run but Darryl manage to grab her scarft and that made him shoke but mostly furious.

Darryl - who the hell.. did that to you...

Sunny look's down with a nervous and scared look. She refuses to say anything and that made Darryl even more pissed, than he grabs a knife and put it at his neck and make it drip a few blood.

Sunny - alright, alright!! Just please dont hurt yourself!!!

Darryl - tell.me.now...

Sunny - M..My fiance.. did this to me..

Darryl drop the knife and was shock.. Sunny never told him that she has a fiance.. and Sunny just stood their speechless.. than Darryl even asked more question..

❤️ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇsɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ💙 𝙰 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now