ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘʟᴀɴペ❇️ part 33

463 32 47

= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

Thank you.

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Darryl and Zak finished their Date and Zak took Darryl home. Zak grab's Darryl's waist and kisses him for goodnight. Darryl who blushed and smile's so brightly at him.

Zak - goodnight love.. i'll see you tomorrow morning ok?

Darryl - of course love, and no pressure at giving that letter, i can tell your still nervous and not ready at giving it to me *smiles*

Zak - y..yeah.. im just.. too busy like a lot of stuff.. and i really want us to be official but same time im too busy with school work at the basketball team..

Darryl - i know love, your not smart like me so i get your pretty busy *gigles*

Zak - haha.. very funny.. *smiles* but.. just remember.. even if i dindt give you the letter yet.. just remember i love you and will always choose you alright?

Darryl - don't worry, i will always know that. Now you better head home, i can tell your mom and sister will ask you a lot of question at our first date *giggles*

Zak nervously laught but he know's it was true. Zak cuddle's up Darryl before leaving and with that Zak have left and wave goodbye to Darryl and Darryl also wave goodbye to Zak.

Darryl finally saw Zak left and changes his expression to his devilish face.

Darryl - tsk.. think that little bitch can steal my Zaky.. well.. she wont know what's comi-

Before Darryl finishes that word Sunny bust the door open all cheerfull and hug's Darryl tight. Darryl was still in his devilish expression and told Sunny about a girl who was clinging to Zak.

Darryl - Sunny i need your help in getting info-

Sunny - oh my god!! i know you must feel tired from that amazingly wonderfull date cous!!


Sunny once again hug's Darryl and grab's both of his hand's and they both spin around being all happy but Darryl was pissed that his cousin wont listen to him and doesnt take him seriously.

Darryl - Sunny! can you stop that!! im being serious here their is this gir-

Sunny just kept talking how she started teasing Darryl about that date with his future boyfriend then suddenly Sunny hug Darryl tight and whispered into his ear.

Sunny - someone is watching and recording our conversation...

Darryl widen his eye's from the total shock of what Sunny has told him. After when Zak and Darryl left at their date Sunny noticed 2 people at a car looking weirdly at his cousin so she already suspect those 2 are police officer with a recorder and mic.

Sunny grab's Darryl's hand and started going inside and closing the door.

Police 1 - *calls charlie* sir.. we recorded the whole thing and not much has happened but.. the small brunnette's expression so quickly...

❤️ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇsɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ💙 𝙰 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now