ᴋɪᴅɴᴀᴘ⎠⎠❦ part 19

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= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

Thank you.

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Sunny - well.. i suggest.. to be-friend her dear cousin^^

Darryl - wait.. what?

Sunny - simple, you said you dont want to get rid of her right?

Darryl - yeah.. but your word's doesnt make sense to me at all.

Sunny - what im saying is, try to convince her or asked her not to like Zak, that simple cousin.

Darryl - wait? that simple? are you being serious right now!!

Sunny - why yes i am.

Darryl - their is no fudging way she will just say yes for that and most importantly how am i going to convince her!!

Sunny - well, i never ever like someone because i have trust issue from my past relationship.. but if you be-friend her you can manage to get rid of her crush from Zak.

Darryl - but i dont know how to even do that! im not well skilled like you

Sunny - that's why im here to helped you. i dindt just fly all this way from the UK.

Darryl - well i guess. so mind telling me what to do?

Sunny - of course. If you manage to do like a really large favor of her than you will manage to talked in to her saying to get rid of her crush with Zak.

Darryl - well.. that is a good one but of course saving her from those bullies isn't that enought. Plus i cant keep defending her forever, she might already confess then!!!

Sunny - that's why, you should figure that out.

Darryl - but how can i even do that if i dont know?

Sunny - that's why figure it our yourself. Im only your information and security helper guide.

Darryl - *sight* guess your right.

Sunny - dont get to upset cous. your smart and i know you'll figure it out *smiles*

Darryl - *gigles* your right, thanks once again for the help cousin.

Sunny - no problem, now better go to your final period of the class.

Darryl noded and just his time. The school bell rang and Darryl wave goodbye to Sunny thanking her once again for the info and guide help. Sunny wave goodbye to his cousin aswell and Darryl now attend to his final period of class for the day.

After class Darryl got a text from his friend's saying their heading out for their date's and that made him feel so single.

Darryl - seriously guy's.. do you really have to rub it in that im the one at the group still single?

Darryl sight and texted Sunny saying if she's going home. Sunny replied saying no that she need's to stay for an important student council meeting for the upcoming school festival.

❤️ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇsɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ💙 𝙰 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now