ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴsペ⚡part 35

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= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

Thank you.

This part of the chapter consist of different type's of brutal torture.. So please if you think this is offensive or triggering for you, i am warning you now to leave!!!

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It was now night time, Darryl asked for Sunny's help in order to transfer Mina at his basement. Sunny agreed to hep his cousin out and Quickly call Punz.

Text Info

Sunny - Punz i need your help into tansfering a special package for me.

Punz - Right away Miss Sunny.

Sunny - and also.. i want you to make sure it's a type of package that wont get notice by the spies at my cousin's house..

Punz - Of couras Miss Sunny, will be their in about 15 mins.

Sunny - great, dont let me down..

End of Convo.

Sunny smiles and gives a thumbs up at Darryl. Darryl smiles and Sunny told him to just wait for the special package she ordered.

Darryl and Sunny walked up to the couch and started to watch TV looking normal. Sunny still knew 2 people was spying on them so she just signal Darryl to act all normally earlier at school.


It was now 3 pm and Darryl told his friends and Zak that him and Sunny are ganna go grocery shopping since Sunny over due her cooking a lot. They all noded and Darryl grab's Zak's shirt to pull him over for a kissed. Darryl kissed Zak and he imidietly blushed so hard while Nick trys to attack him but Clay and Karl restraine him.



Darryl - yeah... you need to calm dow Nick.. im a big boy now you know..

Karl - yeah love.. well i mean.. my big sis hate you aswell so yeah i think i get your point.

Darryl - welp anyway, say hi for your sister for me will you Zaky~

Zak - *blushed* sure thing, love you ^^

Darryl - love you too.

Darryl waves goodbye to all of them and he head's off at Sunny's office. Darryl knock on the door and a student open the door for him. Sunny was sitting at the couch, tapping the left sidr of the couch to sit, signaling Darryl to sit down and have tea with her.

Darryl smiles and sit down beside Sunny, Sunny snaps her finger and 3 students noded and went outside to guard the door incase if any spies or the investigator try to record their conversation. The two started talking about Darryl's plan.

Sunny - so.. i assume it went well cous? *sips tea*

Darryl - yes.. and i need your help..

Sunny - you know im always happy to help you so might aswell spill the tea. haha get it?

Darryl - *gigles* yeah i get it. I need your help into transfering Mina to the house...

Sunny - *spits tea and cough* Are you crazy!!!

❤️ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇsɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ💙 𝙰 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now