You have a what?! -five x oc

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Five - bottom
Oc (Alex)- top
Alex mom: rose

Five doesn't jump to the apocalypse.

The Year of 2019.

It was a normal day in the hargreeves house. All the hargreeves siblings were doing their training as always. As they trained and trained, controlling their powers. Five was trying to go control his time jumps, making sure he had done everything right.

Reginald: children!

Everyone ran and stand in line, waiting for their father's request.

Reginald: you all may take a break.

As he walked away, the kids went off to do their things. Luther and Allison went to hang out in their hideout, Klaus and Ben went to their room. Vanya went to her room as well to play the violin, and Diego went with his mother to fix his speech. while five walked up the stairs and looked out the window. Now you may be wondering, why was he looking out the window. Well, next door were three boys having fun in their backyard. Five wasn't interested in them having fun. It was who they were having fun with. Five developed a crush on his next-door neighbor. As looked out the window, he saw a boy with black hair, who was dribbling a basketball player, while two of his friends try to stop him. Five liked to watch him from afar, hoping that one day he got to meet the boy, who seemed to interest him. As he watched the boy making the ball go in the net. The black hair boy had a feeling that someone was watching him. Five moved away from the window so he wouldn't be seen. The black hair boy looked around. He did see an open window from his neighbor but didn't question before he heard his mother's voice.

Rose: boys, dinners ready!

Boy1: we're coming ma'am!

Boy2: all right, food

Alex: Alex sweetheart, you coming?

Alex: yeah mom, I'm coming

As Alex got up from his spot and headed inside his home. Five got out from his hiding spot, feeling sad he couldn't see Alex again. He knew the boy's name since he and his friend keep shouting it when they played games and such. Five decided to head his room and read a book to keep himself distracted from Alex. Five had always wondered if he did meet the boy. Would he like him for being himself or just for his fame and glory about saving people in the umbrella Academy. So he had come up with a plan, he was going to sneak out of the house and finally meet the boy.

12:30 pm

Alex was already asleep in his bedroom. As he slept five jumps to his room hoping that he didn't scare the boy. When five saw him, he was slowly waking up from the sound from fives jump. Five froze as the taller boy looked up to see where the noise was coming from.

Five: um hi?

Alex: hi, and goodnight.

Five stayed they're confused but amused before he saw Alex immediately got up from bed and turned to see a random kid in his room.

Alex: how the hell did you get in my room?!!

Five: well I jumped in here.

Alex:... What do you mean jump? Who the hell are you?

As Alex got up from his bed and grabbed a baseball bat from his wall.

Five: okay calm down and I will tell you my name.

Alex calmed down a little but he still had his bat, ready to swing at any moment.

Five: my name is five hargreeves. I'm your neighbor.

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