Our secret: Jughead jones x oc male

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Jughead- bottom
Oc/Alex- top

Riverdale high

Jughead monologue
It was a Saturday morning. June 5th, the day Archie and I were supposed to go on a road trip we planned for weeks. But he ditched me for other plans and we fought for that. I decided to not go on my road and looked at my phone. I was scrolling down on my phone of contacts and called the one person I knew who would be free in time in need. Alex Reid is my other childhood friend. I waited until he finally answer my call.

Jughead pov

Alex: hello.

Jughead: hey Alex, you busy?

Alex: no not really, I've been trying to go back to work but pops keeps kicking me out.

Jughead: Are you still at pops?

Alex: yeah. I'm trying to get in, no matter how many times pops kicks me out, I Will get in this building... But anyway why do you want to know?

Jughead: I'll meet you at pops and tell you everything.

Alex: Cool, I'll be waiting... outside... of pops... like a stray dog.

Jughead: (laughs) by Alex.

Alex: bye.

I hung the phone and made my way to pops. As I got them I see Alex standing there with his hands in his pockets as he stares into Pop's window. I parked as I got out of the car and made my way to him.

Jughead: hey.

Alex: sup. So are you gonna tell me?

Jughead: yeah, once we get in and have lunch together.

Alex: sure, but how am I going to get in without getting a kick out.

Jughead: I'm your ticket in.

Alex: thank the gods, im "freezing" out here.

We both laughed as we made our way To the dinner. As we took a seat at my usual spot. Pops walks over and smiles at us.

Pops: Alex Spencer Reid, you're not using Jughead as a ticket to come back into work are you.

Jughead: no pops, he's with me.

Pops: good, would you two like your usuals?

Alex: yup,

Jughead: of course.

Pops walks away as I looked back at Alex.

Jughead: Spencer is your middle name?

Alex: and Forsythe your real name?

Jughead: touchy.

We both laughed as we calmed a little.

Alex: so what happened? You wanted to tell me something.

Jughead: (sigh) I got into a huge fight with Archie.

Alex: about?

Jughead: we planned to go on a road trip but he ditched me for other plans.

Alex: well that sucks. What a dick move.

Jughead: it was... so what about you? Why did pops kick you out?

Alex: Well, I have been working at pops for a while. I'm known as a workaholic. I don't have plans this summer so I just work and on the weekends I just stay home and play video games and watch movies. Pops told me to go out and hang out with friends and do what the "young" people do these days. But my friends are either on vacation or online.

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