our secert part 2 : jughead x oc male

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⚠️smut⚠️ part 2

Jughead monolog

July 4th, the sad day for the blossoms, having to lose a son and a brother. I did not hang out with Jason blossom. But I knew him from what I had have seen. But July 4th was also the day I had slept with my childhood friend. We haven't spoken about it since then, I didn't know what to say to him. But I knew that my feelings for the dark hair boy were growing. And I hope something would happen again.

Alex POV
I was at my locker when Jughead was talking to Archie. We haven't spoken about the day we had slept with each other. I didn't know if he was upset about the fact I just slept with him. I grabbed my stuff for the first period as I felt someone next to me. I look over to see Riverdales queen bee, Cheryl blossom.

Cheryl: hey Alex.

Alex: Hi Cheryl, what's up?

Cheryl: I need you to ask the coach about when you guys are having a game.

Alex: sure, I can.

Cheryl: Thanks boo.

As she leaves. I looked over to see Jughead looking over to me. I smiled at him as he sent me one as well. Before I could go up to him, the bell rings as it was time to go to class. I look again to see Jughead look a little sad but walk away to his class as I did the same. If only communication was really easy.

3rd POV

The two boys went on their day at school. Having the awkward question of "are we going to talk about it" or starting up a conversation like "hey about that night". It was hard for Alex to start the conversation about that night. Wondering if it was a one-time thing or not. While for Jughead he couldn't help but think back on the night. How Alex made love to him, it felt right. But what if their friendship become friends with benefits or that night was a one-time thing. But one thing for certain, the two had to talk about it. It's was the end of the day. Alex didn't have practice today, so he walked to his car getting ready to leave. Alex and Jughead kept ignoring each other. Thinking that nothing happened between the two but sadly it was eating at the both of them. Late that evening, Alex was working when Jughead walked up to Pop's dinner. He watched Alex work, as he gives the customers their food.  He waited for Alex to come out. Seeing that he had to talk to him about that specific night. He couldn't ignore the images that replayed in his head. How Alex made love to him, how hard Alex thrust into him. Making him see stars and nothing else but listen to Alex's voice. Jughead snapped out of his daydream when Alex walked out of the dinner.

Jughead: Alex.

Alex looks at Jughead and stands up straight and nods for Jughead to continue.

Jughead: we need to talk.

Alex: Yeah, sure.

The two got in the car. Alex sat in his driver's seat while Jughead sat in the passenger seat. They decided to drive to an empty parking lot near the river, Cheryl was sitting on the 4th of July. As Alex parked, they both took off their seatbelts and sat there in silence. They two stayed quiet until one of them breaks the tension in the air.

Jughead: about that night... when we—

Alex: Yeah I know... how could I forget about that night.

Alex waited for Jughead to yell at him or rip his heart like a band ad. But no, Jughead had always liked the black-haired boy. He just didn't want to make things awkward when Alex does like him the way he likes him.

Jughead: I'm not mad if that's what you worried about... it's just...

Alex: take your time.

Jughead: do you like me?

Alex: that depends, as a friend?

Jughead: no, something more than "just a friend".

Alex: I do... do you?

Jughead: have been for a while... it's just... I couldn't stop thinking about that night... and I wasn't sure if it was a one-time thing.

Alex: it doesn't have to be.

As Alex looks at Jughead's eyes.

Alex: we can keep going but that's up to you.

Jughead: then that would make us friends with benefits.

Alex: then what do you want "us" to be?

Jughead: in a relationship... boyfriend and boyfriend... is that okay with you?

Alex: it's okay with me as long as I'm with you.

Jughead: good, because I'm okay being with you.

As Jughead leans over to kiss Alex. Alex grabbed Jughead's waste. Making Jughead move to seat on his lap. They continue to make out with each other until Alex's phone started to ring. The two pulled away, as Alex answers his phone.

Alex: sup Mary, what's up?

Mary: I'm just calling you because I'm hanging out with Betty at our place.

Alex: okay that's cool.

While Alex talked on the phone. Jughead started to take unbutton Alex's pants as he removes his pants and boxers as he saw Alex's huge dick. Jughead stared at it before slowly putting Alex's dick in his mouth. As Jughead started to give Alex a blowjob. Alex tried not letting out moans. As he tried getting Jughead to stop. But it wasn't working. Jughead looked up to see Alex holding in his moans, as Jughead bob his head much lower, making Alex's dick hit the back of his throat. Alex gasp almost forgetting he was on the phone with his sister.

Mary: you good bro?

Alex: Yeah, just kinda busy driving, hey I gotta go. I'll be coming home late.

Mary: Okay, see ya

Alex didn't say bye but hung up the phone and leans back his head as he lets out some moan.

Alex: god your good~

As Jughead bobs his head, Alex was getting ready to release. Alex moans Jughead's name as Jughead could feel Alex cum hit the back of his throat. He quickly drank all of the cum before pulling away. Alex then kisses Jughead as the two move to the back seat of the car and start to strip off their clothes.

3rd pov

As the two couple made love, their moans and the sound of the car moving left and right. As the day passed, their relationship was kept as a secret. Knowing that one day the two would be ready to come out into the public. As they kept their top-secret to themselves.

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