Merry Christmas - five x oc male reader

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Oc- Alex; top
Five: bottom
Summary: image five surprising Alex for Christmas 😉
⚠️warning smut⚠️

3rd pov

It's December 25., Five spent half of his Christmas Day with his family. Alex was in heaven, celebrating (well tried to) with his family.  Later that night five had planned to surprise his lover. Five hurried to set up his plan as Alex was coming back to earth, he was upset coming back home. Only because the Christmas party got ruined because some of his siblings wanted to talk about personal things and started an argument about his father. Alex flew back to the umbrella academy, landing in the front of the house. Alex closed the door as he expects nothing since he got home pretty late. As Alex made his way upstairs he stops at his lover's door. He stood there taking one deep breath to cool himself down, so he doesn't ruin his lover's Christmas Before opening the door. Once he did he was welcomed with Christmas light around the fives' room and a few gifts around the Christmas tree. Once Alex closed the door, five jumped out of the bathroom he was hiding in. And sat in a very sexual way.

Five: hey love~

Alex: hey babe—

As Alex's jaw fell on the floor. Five was wearing a Santa hat with no clothing but some Christmas lights around his upper body, and red and white long socks. Five smirks at how Alex was reacting.

Five: Merry Christmas love.

Alex was stunned but smirked as he walked up to five.

Alex: So you did all of this for me? How cute kitten.

Five could help but let out an airy moan as Alex caressed fives face. Alex leaned to kiss five as five kissed back. Their kiss was innocent before it turned into a full-out make-out. Alex started to take off his clothes as five helped him as while. Alex pull away from the kiss and started to kiss fives neck. Five started to let out airy moans as he felt Alex start to play with one of his nipples. Once Alex's clothes were off, Alex didn't haste to move his other hand to stretch five. Five moans loudly, surprise as to Alex slipping his fingers into his whole. It went on for a few minutes until Alex was sure that five was ready for something else. Alex removes his hand as five let out a whiny moan. Alex then moves five on all four and slowly enter his manhood into five. Five moans painfully as Alex inches his way in. It had been a while since the two had sex. Both were busy with their personal lives. Once Alex was fully entered. He waited for five to adjust since he didn't want to hurt him. But honestly, he was thinking how rough he wanted to be at the beginning. A few minutes later five moves back, letting Alex know he was ready. Alex only smirks as he started to thrust into five. As five let out moans, five pegs for Alex to go faster.

Five: please ~ ah~ fuck, m-me harder~

Alex complies as he started to thrust at a faster pace. Five grips onto the bedsheets, as his moans got louder. It wasn't too long until Alex found a fives g spot. Five screamed in pleasure as Alex kept hitting the spot. Five and Alex moans and groans filled the room. Fives eyes rolled back as Alex pulls fives hair upwards. Alex started to thrust with much force as he watched five moanings while trying to keep his arms up. Alex moves on his hands-on fives dick and started to move his hand at the same pace he was going. Making five be overwhelmed with pleasure. Five came but Alex didn't stop, five kept on moaning as his lover makes love to him. As five was in a euphoria of pleasure, Alex pines five against the bed, as each thrust came with much force. Which made five screams on each force, Alex continues to fuck five senseless as five moans filed the whole house of the umbrella academy. Five tighten himself as he felt like he was ready to release.

Five: daddy I wanna~

Alex: me too kitten.

Alex stops and pulls out which made five whined loudly. Before changing positions, making Alex lay down, as five startled Alex. Five grabbed Alex's dick and lowered himself. Which made both of them moan, five didn't haste to start moving. Five moans as he rides Alex, while Alex helps five. As the skin slapping filed the room, five started to move faster as he moans loudly, feeling that Alex was much deeper inside of him. Not too long the couple finally released, as fives legs started to shake. As Alex's cum filed five to the brim. Making some of the cum fall out. Five lay down on Alex's chest, as he rids his high. Alex pulled five closer as he passionately kisses five.

Alex: merry Christmas kitten.

Five: merry Christmas love~

It was quiet until Alex started to talk.

Alex: you think you are up for more than two rounds?

Five sighs before smiling at his horny devil.

Five: is that what you want?

As five caressed Alex's abs.

Alex: I do, but are you ready?

Five: do your fucking worst daddy.

And let's just say, those few rounds did not stop. Five and Alex were making love until the next morning. Meaning that the rest of the hargreeves siblings had to wake up to fives moans. The siblings tried ignoring by putting loud music or leaving the house. But the thing is that there wasn't much to do outside. So they tried to stop by knocking on the door but they didn't stop. Since they woke up which was 6:30, it was now 12:19. So they had to send someone to knock on the door. They were going to make Diego go but Klaus decided that their fun time was going on too long. Why because Klaus's room was right next to the fives' room. Meaning he was forced to leave his room so he could sleep. Klaus gets up and walks upstairs, as his siblings follow behind. Once Klaus was at the front of the door. He didn't even knock but opened the door with one hand while the other was covering his eyes.

Klaus: sorry to Interrupt your fuck session but it's 12:20 and y'all been doing it since late last night.

Five: hurried to cover himself while Alex cover his lower half. Alex smiles apologetically while blushing while five was blushing and embarrassed that Klaus opens the door unexpectedly.

Alex: s-sorry, we'll stop... for now.

Klaus: good, give five a break, by the time we didn't stop you, five would have passed on to euphoric hell.

Once Klaus peeks by opening one on his hands, five threw a pillow at him.

Five: GET OUT!

Klaus hurried and closed the door, leaving the lovers in the room. Feeling embarrassing but started to laugh at how stupid the whole conversation was. Alex looked over and kissed five before lovingly smiling at him as five did the same.

Alex: I love you five.

Five: I love you too.

(Arthur note: Merry Christmas to you all 🎄🎁)

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