Five x seme male oc ; hey their partner

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Seme male reader; Alex Wassabi
Sub: five Hargreeves

⚠️ waring; their only one offensive word that has been used in this chapter. I apologize to those who are offended by it. I'm sorry.⚠️

Image: when five and his siblings and husband jump back to the 1960s but what happens when he meets Alex when he was human and not the devil he knew.

Narrator pov

It was a lovely sunny day, the bees are buzzing. The cows are mooing. The people walk in and out of stores buying their items, or just walking into restaurants for a good meal. Nothing seems out of place right.

3rd pov
It was March 19, 1965, the Hargreeves family time jumped into a back alleyway one by one. Five hargreeves was the last to land. He looks back to see his portal gone but started to yell for his "deviled husband "

Five: Alex!

As soon as the portal was gone, five walked out of the alleyway to see many people minding their business. He walks into a nearby restaurant, as he walks into a restaurant in a hurried panic. The restaurant owner noticed his stress and started to help the young kid.

Michael: hello son, what can I help you with?

Five: do you mind telling me the exact date and year.

Michael: sure son, it's March 19, 1965. Are you doing alright son?

Five: thank you, I'm fine.

As five walked out of the restaurant, leaving the owner mighty confused before going back to his job. Five started to walk aimlessly around the sidewalks as his eyes stumble on a familiar face. He sneakily walked behind a car and peeked his head over to watch a certain kid across the street.

Nick: Thanks for helping Alex, my boy.

Alex: my pleasure sure, I'm glad you called for more produce. My family and I are always to help.

Nick: well who can I call to get the best of the best products in this town.

Alex: you flattered us Mr nick.

As the brown hair boy places the last box from his truck.

Alex: this is the last of it Mr nick!

Nick: thank you, son, I'll be right back to get your money.

Alex: okay.

As nick walked back to the store, Alex felt someone was staring at him from behind. He looked back and saw everyone minding their business. He swore he felt like someone was watching him. He shrugs it off as he continues to wait for nick. What Alex didn't notice was five hiding behind the car as he looks over to see Alex minding his own business. Five started to notice the new features of his "lover". This Alex had brown hair and brown eyes. He's the same height but this Alex had somewhat less muscle than before.

Alex felt the feeling of someone watching him but before he could look around, nick walked out and paid the boy.

Nick: here's the amount for all the products.

Alex: Thanks, Mr. Nick.

Nick: no thank you, have a safe trip back to the barn kid.

Alex: I will.

As Alex closes his back trunk and walked over to the driver's seat. He turns on his truck as he drives away. Nick waves goodbye as he walks back to his store. Five looked at the road where Alex had left, as he made his way to the store. He opens the door as he looks around. Nick heard the store bell, sensing a customer walking in.

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