Happy new years

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Alexander x Aidan
Male oc

Aidan pov

It was New Year's Eve, and my family and I were getting the party ready for the new year. Alexander, my boyfriend was coming with his family to celebrate together. I was very excited because I got to spend my new year with the love of my life. As I was cleaning the whole house, I got a text from Alexander that he landed and was heading his way here. I smiled as I went down to tell my parents, who were also excited about meeting Alexander's family. As we got ready, the doorbell rings as I ran to the door. I opened it, to see Alexander with two flowers and bags of gifts, while his sister had some items as well. And her husband with their bags. I invite them In, and Alexander gave me one of the pique of flowers, as Alexander makes his way to my mom. As she happily took them. We said our hellos as I finally got to hug my boyfriend, while everyone else was talking amongst themselves.

Aidan: I missed you.

Alexander: I missed you too babe. How have you been?

Aidan: good, ready for the new year?

Alexander: of course, I get to spend the new year with you.

I blushed before pecking his lips. We gathered in the living room as we opened our gifts, they were sweet. Alexander and I spent our time together while Lola, Alexander's sister was talking to my mom while dad spoke with Jinki, Lola's husband. Alexander told me he was adopted by his sister since both of their actual parents died a very long time ago. Lola married a famous kpop star name onew, but his real name is Jinki. So Alexander and Jinki work in the kpop industry, Lola did at one point but left and went on YouTube like me. As the day went on, it was starting to get late, and we turned on our tv to watch the ball drop. We had music playing and snacks ready too, Alexander and I were slow dancing along with every couple in the house. More of my relatives joined the party and we were all set to see the ball drop. As we heard the countdown, everyone was getting ready to drink, while some were trying to get their other half. I was already with Alexander. As we found our spot to have our new year kiss. It was near the balcony of my house. As the countdown started, Alexander and I smiled at each other, as Alex pulls out a red box. He went on one knee as I covered my mouth in shock.


Alexander: I know we're still wrong but would you spend the rest of your life with me? I know this is just a promise ring but I swear that once we'll get married and it will be the most memorable thing you won't forget but for now, would you be my prince forever?

Aidan: of course, yes!

As he got back up and slip the promise ring on me as I did the same to his. he placed his hand under my chin as we lean in for a kiss





As everyone else was cheering in the background, all my focus was me and my boyfriend, and fireworks started outside. What better way to start the new year than with your boyfriend who is the love of your life, and now your fiancé, happy new Year to us.

Arthur note
Happy new year's everyone! :) thanks for reading my books, I'm glad you all love them and support my work. I wish you all a happy new year and stay safe and healthy. Make sure you achieve your dreams and goals, even if they're small. I'm so great full to my family and friends, and I'm very thankful to you guys for even taking the time to read my books that I just make for fun. Happy new year's and happy holidays 🥰😁🥳🎊🎉

 Happy new year's and happy holidays 🥰😁🥳🎊🎉

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