Babysitting my boyfriend (five x oc male reader

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" I want to go back in time, not to change anything, but to feel something again."—Mercer

Pogo pov
As life goes on, children go up to be grown, adults. Living in a world of responsibility only to live their expectations of society. When children grow up, they wished to be young again to relive the adventures and imaginary journeys as a kid. Like Betty Smith once said; " oh, I wish I was young again when everything seemed so wonderful". We all can't go back in time as a child. It's impossible to do so, well if you were normal.

3rd pov
In the Hargreeves' house, music surrounded the academy. As everyone did their things in their home. While two people were arguing about who knows what. (Diego and Luther ) but it was a usual "Tuesday". Ben being dead had to watch Klaus do... whatever Klaus did. It's random events that even Ben knows what he's doing half of the time. Allison and Vanya tried to reconnect as a sister but we're having a hard time, seeing that one misunderstanding can turn into an argument. Five however was in his room, reading and annotating his thoughts on his notes. Trying to keep to himself until his devil boyfriend came back home. Five would spend time with his family but seeing that they haven't changed since he left, he doesn't want to lose brain cells from the stupidity of his siblings nor want to deal with them at all. Five was the most mature out of all of them when he wants to. But he too had some issues he could fix. Today was supposed to be a relaxing day, seeing that nothing was happing and no one needed to be saved in Diego's books. Everything finally was normal for a change.... Until the doorbell rang.

Pogo was the one to open the door,

Pogo: oh, master Amenadiel. What brings you here on earth?

Amenadiel: to bring some (hastes) news.

Pogo: alright then, please go to the living room, while I gather the children.

Amenadiel nods as pogo went his way to get the hargreeves siblings. Amenadiel walks to the living room and started to feel a cold sweat drip onto his body. Wondering what their reactions would be. He tried to cool himself before everyone could come in. One by one everyone gather, only one left was five himself.

Luther: Oh it's you, what are you here?

Diego: Yeah, backstabbing bitch.

Amenadiel sweats. Knowing that the hargreeves disliked him because of how he treated his brother.

Amenadiel: I bring news.

Allison: we're not interested.

Before Amenadiel could speak, five had finally arrived at the living room.

Five: what's wrong?

Amenadiel: well no that everyone is here I have some news to tell you all.

Klaus: good news or bad news?

Amenadiel: that depends on you all.

Diego: just spit it out, what do you want.

Amenadiel:(sighs) I guess I can't hide this forever.

Vanya: what's going on?

Amenadiel: well let's just say, something went wrong in heaven.

Five: what the hell did you do?

Amenadiel: it wasn't me this time, it was... my father.

Luther: Well, what happens?

Amenadiel: father was doing an experiment that he wanted to try out and—

Allison; who did he use for the experiment?

Amenadiel: Alex.

Hargreeves: WHAT!

Five: is he okay!

Amenadiel:  yes he's fine it's just...

Five: just what?

Amenadiel: I can't explain it to you but I can show you.

Everyone nods as Amenadiel opens a while portal to heaven. As he reaches out his hand, a small footstep touches the living room floor. As everyone's eyes widen as they saw a child in their home. No one could recognize the child except for one.

Five: Alex?

Everyone: ALEX?!

Alex looks over to five as his eyes look confused and scared.

Amenadiel: Lucy, these people are your family.

But once Amenadiel looked into his brother's eyes. Fear was all he could see. The five-year-old looked around in panic, fearing that they would hurt his life as his father did. The boy looked at the corner of the room before running towards it. Sitting down in the corner while barring his head in his arms. Amenadiel wasn't aware of what his father had done to Alex. He had thought Alex had been through a lot when he got older. Not when he was only a baby. The hargreeves heart broke more when they heard whimpers from the child.

Allison: we got this from here, you should go.

Vanya: yeah, you should. Alex is scared and probably doesn't want to see you anytime soon.

Amenadiel nods as he goes into the portal to heaven. Luther was surprisingly the first one to comfort the boy. Luther secretly liked Alex because he was the one to make five happy. And not always angry or mean most of the time.

Luther: hey little guy.

Alex: g-go away! Don't hurt me.

As Alex tried moving closer to the wall. Allison was next to Luther, hoping that Alex would trust her instead.

Allison: we won't hurt you, sweetheart.

Alex: that's not true, you'll hurt me... just like daddy.

As both Luther and Allison saw tears In Alex's eyes.

Everyone tried to get Alex's trust but failed. Five was the only person who hasn't tried.

Five: let me talk to him, you guys can go.

Diego: you sure five?

Everyone had moved to the kitchen, seeing that Alex wouldn't come out from the corner.

Five: I'm his boyfriend, he'll trust me.

Everyone agreed as they all walked out of the house, seeing that they had things to do. Once five heard the door close, he made his way to the living room. Once he entered the room, he heard sniffing coming from the other side of the room. He walked close to see Alex crying to himself, still scared to come out from his "hiding" place. Five eyes soften, before turning around and opening a blue portal. It was similar to Alex's and Amenadiels but it stored belongs. Five looks around to find something that would help Alex calm down.  Until he found the perfect thing in his belongs.

Five: perfect, good thing Alex and I taught me how to connect portals.

As five makes his way to Alex.

Five: hey, my name is five. What's your cutie?
( Arthur-not sexually way, just endearment type of voice. Like calling you dog cutie... I'm going to bed)

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