Babysitting my boyfriend; five oc male reader

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Fives pov

Five: hey, my name is five. What's your cutie?

I watched him look up at me, and I could see his sad teary eyes. He wipes his eyes, before looking away from me.

Alex: my name is Lucifer...

Five: hi Lucifer...

Alex: buy my real name is Samuel...

As my loving boyfriend whispers. I smiled lightly before sitting on the floor.

Five: what would you like me to call you?

Alex:... Samuel... I don't get why my brother calls me Alex... That's not me...

Five: well okay Samuel, you want to come closer? Your, buddy, misses you.

As I shake the toy bunny that seems to make a rattling sound. Alex- or in this case, Samuel comes closer as he reaches for his toy. I gave it to him as he held the toy tightly. His eyes looked frightening but curious at the same time. I smiled before I stood up and reach my hand out.

Five: Do you want to stay with me until you are ready to be with everyone else?

Alex seemed to think about it before nodding as he takes my hand and stands up. I couldn't help but gush at how cute he is. We walked to the kitchen as I made my famous peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches. Alex looked around before playing with his toy. As I made his sandwich, Allison comes in.

Allison; we'll look at who decided to come out from his shell.

Alex turned around in fear before I walked over to him and comforted him.

Five: hey it's okay, she's very nice. She won't hurt you.

Alex looked at me before looking at Allison.

Alex: h-hi...

Allison; hi, there sweetie.

Not too long, everyone walked in and said hi to little Alex. Alex had dirty blond hair, and light blue eyes, and he seem to have scars on his arm from needles. Alex opened up a little as everyone helped him feel welcome, even Luther and Diego. The showed him around the house as I finished making the sandwiches. As we made it to my room, everyone else said goodbye before going somewhere they needed to go. Alex and I ate our sandwiches before we started to read children's books since he is like 5 years old. As the day went on, Alex felt safe, he giggled as we played with little toys I had, toys that Alex played with when he was younger. As the night came, I set up the bed. As I turned around, I saw Alex looking out at the night sky. I walked closer as I crouch down next to him.

Alex: where are mommy and daddy?

I looked at him before looking back at the stars.

Five: I asked them if you could stay for the night.. that okay?

Alex: okay... I miss mommy...

As Alex lay next to me. I picked him up as I started to rock him to sleep, I started to tell him a story. About how princess met a wonderful prince, I watched him suck his own dumb, as I tell him a story about how we met when he was older. As I continue the story I heard soft snoring I smiled softly as I took him to bed. I grabbed his stuffed bunny as I laid right next to him. I watched him sleep because, for the first time in my life, he was finally at peace... not having the same nightmares of his ex-wife, the torture of his father, and trying to help me save the world from the apocalypse multiple times. I shed a single tear before kissing the top of his head. I could imagine him laying on the other side of the bed and in between us is a little sunshine. I smiled before falling asleep. What I didn't know was that Amenadiel had taken Alex in the middle of the night. So the next morning I woke up to see him missing, since Amenadiel didn't leave a note, I spent the time looking for him until everyone woke up. I paced back and forth, wondering where he went. Everyone also helps look before going to the living room. We all stayed talking about what we should do about Alex. When Klaus toss up his Rubik's cube as it stayed in the air, everyone got up as Amenadiel walks out from his portal.

Diego: looks who's back?

Amenadiel: sorry for the inconvenience.

Five: where is Alex? He wasn't in bed when I woke up. You could have left a fucking note you bitch.

Amenadiel: sorry but father had made a cure for him.

As Alex comes back to his normal body.

Alex: hey guys.

Everyone pulled him and hugged him, before letting go. Alex looked confused before he looked at me. I smiled before running to him and jumping on him. He caught me, and he spun me around, I laughed happily, as he chuckles. As I pulled him into a passionate kiss. We pulled away as we watched Amenadiel leave, and everyone leaving too. Giving us some privacy, I held him tightly as he took us to the couch. He didn't let it before asking his simple question.

Alex: what happened?

Five: well, you turned into your five-year self and I took care of you.

Alex: mmh... so you babysat me?

Five: yup.

Alex kissed the top of my head before hugging me again.

Alex: thanks, baby.

Five: no problem, I'll always take care of you no matter what.

We stayed like this for a bit before I looked up to see into his eyes.

Five: Alex...

Alex: yes, my love?

Five: let's have a baby.

Alex: a spawn?

I nodded as I couldn't forget the feeling of taking care of a child and then having dreams of the little family, we could have one day. I could imagine our happy little family, and because I had a little taste of what was like being a mother... I wanted to take care of our baby on the day. To see him or her grow up to be a wonderful man or woman.

Alex: Okay, let's have a baby...

"But I'm going to babysit our child while you rest for a while... you worked so hard, to bring our baby one day, my love."— Alex

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