The umbrella academy bloobers: season two

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Everyone in the cast of the umbrella academy except for one, was in an elevator as they were filming a scene. Emmy gasps as everyone started to pretend the horde smell from Tom.

Robert: Luther, that smells amazing.

Everyone broke out laughing, after what Robert had said.

Aidan: oh, man. That would have been a good take.


David: sup, losers... nah I'm just playing.

Alexander: are you? Are you?

As everyone started laughing


Robert: and thought I treated you like a child, I'm gonna miss you for the rest of my life... okay I got it.


Emmy was recording herself, along Side of Alexander and Aidan. Both teens looked up at the camera, while Alex showed his hand hearts to the camera.

Aidan: do you guys, want to see what a blink is?

Emmy; yeah.

Aidan: it's me doing this.

As he moves but stops, as Emmy laughs, while Alexander smiles.

Alexander: wow, now that I know, ima heads out guys.

As Alexander copies Aidan's blinks.

As Aidan blushed and laughs, along with Emmy.


Alexander was getting up from the floor, as he dust off his shirt. He looked around before he could take a step. His manager had jumped out of the trash can and spooked Alexander.

Alexander: oh shit! Hyung I thought we talked about this!!!

As Alexander playfully sat back down and moved his feet like a child who was having a tantrum.

Everyone laughed, as they had rested the scene.


"no, it's just, do you eat people in hell?"

Alex: ... no... I'm fucking Dracula, blah... blah blah.

As Alexander went over to Aidan and parented to duck his blood.

Aidan: oh no the horror!

As everyone laughed at the two boys.

Alexander:  muahaha I'm so Evil.

But what Alexander didn't notice was Aidan's, blushing face.


Emmy: yeah, oh yeah. We all have a good time. It makes time go faster when we're all together.

Diego: who told you that? That's a lie. It's been horrible.

As clips show David and Ross, dancing in the makeup room. Then the camera shows Aidan and Alexander and his managers having a snowball fight.

Alexander: Aidan! Come here you!

As Aidan runs to avoid Alex's giant snowball.

Aidan: that's not fair, you have a big one.

Alex: says who? You know what I'll spare you. Markus comes here you bully!

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